Wednesday, October 4, 2023



Now they will only use the auctions for the GOI to run its businesses from now on making it very difficult for Iran to steal dinars through the auctions because that's where they used to steal the dollar through the auctions but there are no more dollars and that's why your security and stability is so strong right now.  That's why we believe you're article VIII and the whole world is pouring in right now because they know that.

Oh my goodness the float is going to be fantastic.  You think the float is going to take a few months?
  No.  It may take a few hours!  

One of the mandates, rules, orders, laws of the WTO is not for you to have an international currency value but for you to have a currency with no restrictions...
That's why you'll [Iraq] be part of the WTO because you won't have any restrictions...Everyday you get closer and closer and closer.  The inchworm, it's getting there isn't it.  All these pieces are snapping together perfect...

 A long time ago, I told you, the moment you see the HCL, seconds later you'll see the new exchange rate...

There are a lot of rumors saying this guy got all this [HCL] money, they're going to get it every month for now on.  No.  No.  If it's true, show me.  It's been 5 or 6 days now and you still have not shown the internet...The rumors have some truth to them. 

 IMO the HCL is being distributed in tranches.  These increments are only being done specifically.  But the HCL is not out yet...The moment you see the HCL, BOOM!  You'll see the new exchange rate. 

 The don't have to have a high exchange rate.  But what do you have to have in order to be part of the WTO?  Your currency must be what?  Sanction free.  There must not be any restrictions on your bank or your currency to join the WTO.

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