Monday, October 30, 2023



  Article: "Iraq is working to join the World Trade Organization (WTO)"  

Quote: "To review the steps taken by Iraq and the Ministry of Trade to complete the technical files that must be submitted to the organization during the coming period, which will be sent by the organization’s secretariat and the accession department to member states in preparation for holding the next negotiating rounds."   FULL MEMBERSHIP... FULL THROTTLE ON THE MONETARY REFORM !

Question "When everything happens and the exchange rate has been announced, do we have to exchange everything we have at once or can we do it incrementally?" 

That is a personal decision You must decide how much you want to hold
and how much you want to fold and when you want to hold it and when
you want to fold it.

 The new exchange rate is the hope of the Iraqi citizens that they can't see yet.  It's unseen to them but yet the evidence is there...  

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