Tuesday, October 17, 2023



  This is the CBI Article Quote:  "The expectations of the Central Bank and specialist is that the exchange rate will return to a stable state but it requires time which we hope will not be long." 

 Man I have read so many good things my mouth feels like sugar!  I feel like I have candy in my mouth, sugar cookies.  This is from the CBI.  This is them talking about the the exchange rate.  They tell you don't believe the bull KaKa from those other guys...

 Question:  "Does this [Auctions changing/no USD withdrawals in January] mean it will revalue after the 1st of the year ?"

  First of all it's not a revalue...I have said it over a billion times this is an RI, reinstatement ...So what if you have to wait until January?  What is the problem?

 Article:  "Erbil: Withdrawing the dollar via ATM machines stopped by a decision of the Central Bank 

[Boots on the ground update] 

 SUPERGIRL'S REPORT [From last week] 

 Quote "We are committed to the Central Bank’s decision issued 3 months ago, which prevents banks from granting dollars via ATM machines, and we have observed a commitment from other banks."

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