Sunday, October 1, 2023



 I don't care if they come out at 1132.  I don't care if they come out at $0.10.  I don't care if they come out at $0.50.  You think it's going to stay there for long when the world is wanting to pour in? 

 Whatever the rate is they come out at, in a blink of an eye - bam, you better know when to hold'm and when to fold'm.

Another bank being busted.  Banks being closed, busted, licenses being removed, people being thrown in jail, positions being removed, yeah, there's no doubt about it, that the security and stability that is needed for the new exchange rate is here. 

 The security and what has allowed the CBI floor to be so clean and spotless you can definitely eat off it...

What about the HCL  It's ready.  Why isn't it out?  It's waiting for the new exchange rate.

What do you think the rate will be when it comes out?

  I don't care!  What I care about is for them to announce in 72 hours their sanction free and their currency is restriction  

If it's international hello Forex...What will it turn into, that's what you need to be paying attention to and at what speed...It ain't going to be no 6 months to a year before it reaches the potential of the Middle Eastern exchange rates of 3 to 1.  No.  Shoot, you're going to sleep, the next morning, boom!

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