Wednesday, October 25, 2023



  [On his approach to the Iraqi dinar]I am the ultimate puritan.  I only believe in what I can prove.  I don't have faith about nothing.  I have faith about my abilities but if someone comes up to me and goes, 'Good, ole fashioned faith?' Nope...


 [Aki Iraqi bank friend update]

   Iraqi Bank friend #1 

[Aki's boss] told Aki you gotta stay put.  Stay right where you are at [his bank in the south of a northern state]

 As much as Aki wants to go stay in the north because in the north he has a home there... Obviously something's happening IMO.

Sandy Ingram 

 There is a global shortage of wheat due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine...Next year flour prices in the United States will skyrocket due to drought... Dunums is the unit of measurement of land in the Middle East.  

One acre equals approximately 4 dunums. Iraq will plant 1.5 million dunums in irrigated areas of the desert and 4 million dunums in desert areas using underground water.  This planning event will take place during the winter months (October and November) and will secure Iraq's food security for the coming year...

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