Friday, October 20, 2023


 Judy Note: If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Rumored Global Currency Reset Timeline:

  • The Iraqi Dinar has revalued and for the past week has been trading on the back screens of the Forex, putting itself in a position for the new exchange rate that was soon to be made public. Iraqi Banks have been telling Iraqi citizens that the Iraqi Dinar Rate has been changing up in value on the back screens of the Forex and the new rate was about to be announced by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Directors.
  • The Central Bank of Iraq suspended Western Union service for international money transfer:
  • Iraq joined BRICS and banned cash withdrawals of US Dollars in Iraq:
  • Overnight Sun. 15 Oct. the Banks completed the remaining layers of payments and that same Sunday the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.
  • By Mon. 16 Oct. the Dinar was fluctuating in value on the back screens of the Forex, though was mainly at $1.47 to the USD in-country. Also, the RV launch algorithms were said to be ready to go; Dubai 1 had been released and Dubai 2 had almost finished it’s launch.
  • On Tues. 17 Oct. Iraq passed a law giving 5% interest rates on all bank deposits. They encouraged Iraqi citizens to move their Dinars from under the mattress and deposit them in the bank for profit. “Our new automated Banking Systems are waiting to make it happen for you.”
  • On Wed. 18 Oct. Iraq raised their interest rates because they were going to raise the value of the Iraqi Dinar.
  • The 20 or so days of Disclosure was believed to have begun around Sun. 1 Oct. If so, that would take the RV Timeline to this Fri. 20 Oct. when all buy-sell Bond Operations will be closed, meaning you can’t buy any more bonds. You have to ask Why? Perhaps the RV?
  • Starting the fourth week of October Repatriation and Reclamation Allowances would be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will be based on federal taxes paid since the 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies over the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments for Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employed in order to qualify.
  • Starting sometime in October and continuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200.
  • Repatriation Allowances for 60 and older will begin the 18th or 25th of Oct. as the beginning of three equal payments over the next three months.
  • Wed. 1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, although that date could vary.
  • On Sun. 19 Nov. XRP gold/asset-backed digital currency would be official.
  • Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis.
  • In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Thurs. 19 Oct. Bruce: Currency Sellers have been advised they were no longer able to sell currencies after 11:59 pm Fri. night 20 Oct. Central Daylight time. Once the Currency Sellers stopped being able to sell, Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would go.
  • The optimal time we could be notified was Sat. morning 21 Oct.
  • Wed. 18 Oct. MarkZ: “On the Bond side there are some with appointments this Friday(20 Oct.) and they are expecting full funding. There are also a couple appointments for over the weekend. There are still expectations of things paying out overnight tonight. Starting in Asia and Europe and moving our way” …“The petro dollar is done. If anyone is to buy any BRICS nations oil you will have to pay in their currency. They are not accepting the US dollar.”
  • Wed. 18 Wolverine: All operations will be closing by the 20th of October which means you can’t buy any more bonds. They will be shutting down. We are that close, guys. The launch algorithms were ready to go on Mon. 16 Oct. Dubai 1 has been released and Dubai 2 could be finished by now. Banks completed the remaining layers of payments overnight Sun. 15 Oct.
  • Wed. 18 Oct. TNT: The window for the rate change is still open. The word is Thursday going into Friday 19-20 Oct, but it can still be at any minute. It’s the perfect time to change the rate, while the international transactions are shut down to stop the smuggling of US dollars out of the country.
  • Wed. 18 Oct. GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR are components of the New Financial System. Everything Is Related! – American Media Group (
  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) relies on XRPL, or the XRP Ledger, to be adigital highway upon which financial transactions are conducted securely and at warp speed. The Quantum Trinity: XRPL, XRP, and NESARA – The Financial Game Changer – American Media Group (

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