Friday, October 6, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Boots on the ground SuperGirl in Erbil Update]

I spoke with Dyaa and his family, so far no one has received anything nor have they heard anyone receive anything concerning the HCL…

FRANK: We are hearing it from many sources but we believe they are just rumors.  They mentioned they may be doing traunches but we have not seen any evidence of it yet.

We see the evidence of the financial international transactions on the 28th.  We see the private banks opening with Aki [Guru Walkingsticks Iraq bank friend in the US- October 1st]. We see Independence Day [Tuesday October 3rd]. The only thing we’re not seeing is the HCL.  Why?  Let me ask you something.  Did they release the new exchange rate?  No.  What did I tell you?  The moment you see the HCL in the next nanosecond you will see the new exchange rate…

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: We are celebrating our independence and being a sovereign country...Sudani…talking about how we will not allow others to rule over us…  FRANK:  Congratulations…your country is now restriction free…You are a sovereign country…Your country is secure and stable…These are the two magic words Dr. Shabibi the author of your monetary reform plan wanted before he released the new exchange rate and new currency.

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