Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: News saying within 2 months the dollar exchange rate will stabilize.

FRANK26: Remember they’re talking about November and December to get it done by January 1st.  That’s the time period I believe we’re going to see a change because that’s what they tell the Iraqi citizensIn order to stabilize the dollar exchange rate you’re going to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar.

This is the CBI Article Quote:
“The expectations of the Central Bank and specialist is that the exchange rate will return to a stable state but it requires time which we hope will not be long.”

Man I have read so many good things my mouth feels like sugar!  I feel like I have candy in my mouth, sugar cookies.  This is from the CBI.  This is them talking about the the exchange rate.  They tell you don’t believe the bull KaKa from those other guys…

I bought my dinars April 2004.  I paid $500 and something for a million dinars.   Good gosh I think it’s more than doubled now.  It’s almost tripled.  So I guess it was a good investment.  But that’s not what I’m in it for.  I’m in it for the long haul.  I don’t just want to get a first down I want to get a touchdown…

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