Tuesday, October 17, 2023



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY:  News saying within 2 months the dollar exchange rate will stabilize.  

FRANK26:  Remember they're talking about November and December to get it done by January 1st.  That's the time period I believe we're going to see a change because that's what they tell the Iraqi citizens...In order to stabilize the dollar exchange rate you're going to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar.

 Article:  "Erbil: Withdrawing the dollar via ATM machines stopped by a decision of the Central Bank

 [Boots on the ground update]  

 SUPERGIRL'S REPORT [From last week]  Quote "We are committed to the Central Bank’s decision issued 3 months ago, which prevents banks from granting dollars via ATM machines, and we have observed a commitment from other banks."

FIREFLY:  News saying within 2 months the dollar exchange rate will stabilize.

 FRANK:  Inside the next 2 months it's highly possible we'll see a new exchange rate.  That's the only thing that can stabilize it because a program rate unstabilizes it.  This is as simple as I can put it.  I'm not exaggerating.  I'm not adding to it.  This is for real.

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