Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 10/18/2023

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Wednesday morning…..Trying hard not to ask “Are we there yet?”  lol

Member: Can I have an RV to go please? Is this the right drive thru?

Member:  I feel like Linus on Charlie Brown just sitting in the Pumpkin Patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin to arrive, while all of my friends are out trick-or-treating, oblivious to the Great Pumpkin arrival!

Member:  Mark are we close. just asking for a friend

MZ:I think we are close…..It certainly feels close. 

MZ: I was expecting a lot more news today…especially out of bond sources….they are still hearing conflicting info as to if its now…or when the conflict overseas is settled. There are some with appointments this Friday and they are expecting full funding….There are also a couple appointments for over the weekend…..we shall see…..they had also expected full funding 2 weeks ago. It is interesting getting so many different stories from the bond side.  

Member:  I thought that the bondholders money was going to be released when we went in??

MZ: MilitiaMan did a good video …he is talking about what we mentioned yesterday…..Instead of the dollar at customs and duties…there is de-dollarization. They are making certain that everything is conducted in dinar from here on out.  For government function they can only use dinar….no other currencies. 

MZ: “Government revisits using “Gold Dinar” as reserve currency”  According to the Prime Minister of Malaysia……..and this is yet another story from the PM that they will reinstate a “Gold Dinar” Many countries have realized they need to go to commodity backed/gold backed currency. 

Member:  Don’t get it Iraq acting like they have a new rate … but yet no new rate nor operational budget nor HCL … frustrating

Member:  Iraq needs to borrow Kuwait RV Team and get this done!!

Member:  (From Dinar Guru)  Mnt Goat   The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV only gets better as the months roll on. More and more pieces are put in place for the inevitable revaluation and reinstatement of the dinar. It has become not a matter of “if” these events will occur but “when”.

MZ: It is absolutely a “When” not an “if” 

Member: Mark can this really happen with all the wars going on, Or dose the fighting have to be over.?????

Member: while the world is watching Isreal, banks keep folding....the financial system can't keep going this way...

Member: What do you still expect as the rate for the dong?

MZ: I still expect the low $2 range….$2.25 ish. But, most of my sources say it could be more in the $3 dollar range….we shall see. 

Member: 5 RV’s have happened since World War 2

MZ: Bam….yes they have. There is a lot of historic precedence for what we are going through….. 

Member: Do we need a new speaker of the house before Iraq can move forward?

MZ: We are being told that the ball is in Iraq’s court now….so no…..

Member: I’ve been on this journey since 2016 and it’s been hell

Member: it almost over ! been waiting since 2017

Member: I have been waiting since 2007……I agree- it has been hell…..praying there is a light at the end of this loooong train tunnel

Membeere:  y'all just be patient. When this does finally happen. it will be a great blessing. Just do the best you can with what you have until then.

Member: Everything could change suddenly in the blink of an eye……

Member:  I am not sure I am going to believe when this thing actually happens - I'll be in shock for sure….A good shock

Member:  Mark and Mods thanks for all you do!

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream at the end….please listen to the replay for his opinions and information…


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