Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ. 10/04/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member:  Wow, crazy times!!! Also exciting!!!!

Member:  This week is more exciting than sticking a wet finger in a light socket…. Hair raising, electrifying and enlightening all at once

MZ: No big news out of Iraq yet….matter of fact we are getting a blank out…which could be great news. I am stunned we have not received some kind of information yet. 

Member: Maybe this is the 72 hour quiet period before the change?

MZ: I hope and pray it is….

Member: MM thinks may happen today and we may see shortly after. 

Member:  Charlie W stated three years ago that everything would drop at one time - like a bomb and our heads would spin.

MZ: We still expect the ascension to the WTO for Iraq today. We should have that answer before the day is done. 

MZ: on the bond side I got a number of “reach outs” in the last 12 hours or so with expectations of full amounts paid for their bonds in the next few days. I find this encouraging after so long of dead silence about the bonds. 

Member: hearing that a currency lockdown has occurred. Have you heard this Mark?

MZ: No I havn’t ….but I am wondering if that is why there is sudden quiet out of Iraqi contacts. I reached out yesterday and today and am hitting a brick wall. It would not surprise me if a currency lockdown had started in-country. 

Member: What is a currency lock-down?

MZ: Basically it is where a country locks down borders so people ccannot come and go ccarrying currency…while they handle a “change in value” ….In other words they go dark similar to what Kuwait did for about 10 days. 

MZ:  In Asia –“Hong Kong stocks have worst day in three months on worries about rates and real estate”  The world is suffering big….

MZ: “Bond Sell off threatens hopes for economy’s soft landing”  Nobody wants them….you hae to pay them more to take them…..foreign countries and  sovereigns have stopped buying US bonds. 

Member:  Mark Z Redemption Centers, how many days will they be open for exchange?

Member: Last we heard- 10 days to make appointments and 30 days to exchange…..unless things have changed again. 

MZ: I am told about 30 days but that after 2 weeks they will start reducing the number of locations so they don’t have to staff all of them. They feel that after the first 2 weeks the overwhelming majority of us would have come and gone. 

Member: Will Zimbabwe and indonisia go at the same time as the dinar???

MZ: I believe they will go at the exact same time as Iraq and Vietnam.

Member: So Iraq has not published any rate yet.

MZ: No- not yet. 

Member: So no taxes on the exchange???

MZ: Read this from the US state Dept, on IIraq:  Go to section 6 Financial Sector:  The last sentence says “There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange.”


Member: Interesting that US and Russia To Hold Nationwide Emergency Alert Drills on Same Day

Member:  EBS 2:20pm EST

Member:  There has been so much hype about the EBS and 10 days of darkness, people are anticipating that this is "IT"....just sayin...

Member: I heard EBS coincides with the Starlink going online today. It’s not a bad thing.imo

Member:  Look at the debt clock it shows USA dollar with a map and shows the Fed dollar with a pyramid …..IMO- the Fed dollar is going down and the USA dollar going up!!

Member: Hoping we truly have a happy Thanksgiving and Blessed Christmas this year,

Member: Hoping something happens before that…..

Member:  With everything going on right now, I do not believe that we are waiting for December

Member: Next weekend is a 3 day weekend for Columbus day

Member: Monday is also the Thanksgiving Holiday here in Canada

Member:  this movie is waaaay too long, I'm ready for the credits to roll

Member:  Your watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member:  Thanks again Mark, Mods and Everyone!!! Much Love


Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )

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