Saturday, September 16, 2023


 I received this from a friend this morning, it now has been posted

OK here goes. I have a friend of mine. That is a personal Dinar dealer in the United States. I’m able to purchase Dinar from him anytime and I get the shipment within 3 to 5 business days.

I just got off the phone with him. And he is telling me that his vendor just got all of his dinar confiscated.  The vender explained to my Dinar friend that he is no longer allowed to sell and that he will be returning his 25,000USD in 2 days. 

The vendor said that they are tightening the noose in iraq and they are stopping people from taking it over seas.  My dinar dealer said that the us treasury has caused a wave that is causing vendors to immediately stop.

My own dinar dealer is upset bc he sold all of the dinar and does not have any for himself.  He laughed and said he will have to try to grab some off eBay. 

My dinar guy sells 10-20 million in dinar a week.  Now he’s completely cut off. 

I laughed over the phone and found it pretty ironic.

Everybody take that for what it’s worth.

Lastly, my Dinar dealer is very well-versed in cryptocurrency, and he said that the utility coins are going to explode in the next 5 to 6 months. He said if you’re going to buy anything buy XRP.  He also said that if you have bitcoin, utilize well bc it’s not going to be high forever.

He also explained that Dinar’s gonna get extremely expensive here in the near future and then after that you won’t be able to buy it

That is exactly what I have been watching for and tracking daily. Because unless and until the currency Brokers stop selling exotic currency the rate has not changed. That's better news than any guru. You can hang out your shingle! Thank you!


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