Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Parliamentary Economy And Trade Committee Monitors Financial And Administrative Corruption In The Ministry Of Commerce, 13 SEPT

 The Parliamentary Economy And Trade Committee Monitors Financial And Administrative Corruption In The Ministry Of Commerce

Economy News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Economy, Industry and Trade Committee announced, on Tuesday, monitoring suspicions of financial and administrative corruption, cases of circumvention of laws and instructions, and clear confusion in the Ministry of Commerce, specifically the General Company for Central Markets.

The head of the subcommittee of the Ministry of Commerce, Representative Kazem Al-Shammari, said in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, “The General Company for Central Markets is experiencing a state of confusion, mismanagement, and lack of planning by announcing tenders to occupy central market complexes, and after companies submit their bids, the company resorts to replacing The method of contracting and the transition to investment and then moving to the method of participation.

These rapid transitions and change in the method of contracting confirm the existence of circumvention of the law and a complete disregard for the role of the regulatory authorities.”

He added, "These procedures have been taking place for quite some time, and the Minister of Commerce has not done anything despite being informed more than once, in official letters, of the existence of these serious violations that cause the waste of public money."

Al-Shammari stressed, “After the Parliamentary Economy, Industry and Trade Committee completes its audit procedures for the Ministry of Commerce, the appropriate decision will be taken in a manner consistent with the Constitution and stipulated in the bylaws.”

Views 44 09/12/2023

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