Monday, September 4, 2023

Sudanese Advisor: The Ownership Of The Railway Link Project Will Be 100% For Iraq, 4 SEPT

 Sudanese Advisor: The Ownership Of The Railway Link Project Will Be 100% For Iraq

Information/Baghdad… Adviser to the Prime Minister for Transportation Affairs, Nasser Al-Asadi, confirmed today, Monday, that the ownership of the railway link project with Iran will be 100% in favor of Iraq.

Al-Asadi said in a televised interview, followed by Al-Maalouma Agency, that “the railway link agreement with Iran stipulates the transportation of passengers only,” pointing out that “the completion of the rehabilitation and development of the Shalamcheh crossing has become an urgent need.”

He added, “There are no secrets related to the railway link project with Iran,” noting that “the workforce in the project will be 100% Iraqi.”

And the Prime Minister’s Adviser for Transportation Affairs continued, “We do not know the reasons for the sensitivity of the railway link project with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”LINK

About $200 Million In Cash Sales Today From The Iraqi Central Bank

2023-09-04 Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq’s sales amounted to about 200 million dollars in the currency auction today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency reporter stated that the Central Bank sold today, during its auction for buying and selling US dollars, 197 million, 727 thousand and 483 dollars, which the bank covered at a basic exchange rate of 1,305 dinars, per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers. Same price in cash.

Our correspondent added that most of the dollar sales went to enhance the balances abroad in the form of (remittances, credits), which amounted to 172 million 357 thousand and 483 dollars, while cash sales amounted to 25 million and 370 thousand dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that the number of banks that bought the cash dollar amounted to 7, while the number of banks that responded to requests for strengthening balances abroad reached 20, while the total number of exchange and mediation companies participating in the auction was 89 companies. LINK

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