Wednesday, September 6, 2023



No, there is no RV as of yet.
I can certainly tell you the CBI knows nothing about any recent plan to RV or conduct the project to delete the zeros.
Also remember that Obama’s plan for the redevelopment of Iraq, in part is very unfair to the Iraqi people, as they suffer with inflation due the dollar crisis and low Iraqi dinar rate.
The Obama plan is a subjective one meaning who sets the criteria and what are the target dates?
Obama is not out of office and so who is still following his outdated plan for Iraq?
Why did Dr Shabibi want to reinstate the dinar way back on 2012-2013 and was abruptly stopped due to Nori al-Maliki’s corruption at the CBI?
Iraq hadn’t developed their economy yet.
You see, Dr Shabibi understood the importance of getting the currency reform completed as early as possible as we are now witnessing the hazards of waiting this long.
How could he do it then and the CBI not now?
You get my point?
So, anything is possible.
Yes, the impossible could happen, but I doubt it until the corruption in the U.S. is cleaned up.
What do our prophets say about this too.
So, all we can do now is watch for the economy to grow and the reconstruction to take place.
The funding of the budget now is also key as I told you I believe that when they start dispensing the actual money, they will want the value of the dinar at the right value.
We can also follow the prophetic word to see what God is doing to America and this gives us hope.
We must persevere in our daily prayers and continue to fight.
WE must pray for the Iraqi people.
Some intel gurus want you to believe the “official” dinar rate is now set at 1130 and the CBI has not yet changed their site.
This is not true, however I believe this is their next target rate and maybe the last rate change prior to moving ahead once again aggressively with the plan for the reinstatement.
Seems this dollar issue has stalled their plan for now but they will overcome it as they always do but it takes time.
So, what is new in Iraqi news?
The news today is all about rebuilding Iraq and exploiting the areas of concern that have potential and could bring in huge amounts of revenue to the country.
Such areas are the Customs and Tariffs and the Tourism industries.
Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani sponsored, on Sunday, the signing of a pioneering agreement with the International Finance Corporation / IFC, to develop and rehabilitate Baghdad International Airport, where the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority signed on the Iraqi side.
They will need these airports to bring in the tourists.
I already showed you some of the significant tourist attractions and museums.
The researcher in economic affairs, Hashem Al-Baydani, confirmed, on Friday, that the unemployment rate will be significantly reduced in the event of proper planning for development path projects, pointing out that the revenues of this path can reduce dependence on oil as a source of financing the budget.
We have entered a very critical period during the month of September and it will continue until December and into the new year.
Did you see all the exposure and whistleblowers that came forward during these months, the prophesied three-month period of exposure (June- August) that so many of the prophets talked about?
Exactly what they said would happen did happen.
We witnessed amazing exposure of corruption and lies at the highest levels of government and three letter agencies.
This also will continue but now we enter the fall period.
Remember the “fall” will happen in the “fall”.
Information / Baghdad.
The leader of the Fatah Alliance, Raad al-Tamimi, confirmed on Monday America’s failure in the Deir Ezzor conspiracy by involving the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in losing battles.
Al-Tamimi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma that “the fierce clashes between the SDF and the tribes in Deir Ezzor, Syria, were ignited by America in an attempt to push its ally SDF to advance and impose its control over more lands and cities, but it failed and the magic turned on the magician.”
He added, “America is in a dilemma in the Deir Ezzor file, and it is afraid to intervene directly because it will be in front of a great popular revolution with rejection and anger at its actions in the region as it supports extremist organizations that have committed many massacres against innocent people.”
He pointed out that (Yes under Biden) “America will leave Syria just as it left Afghanistan broken, and the recent events confirm that there are fires that will be ignited by Washington’s military presence, especially since the latter has failed in all files inside Syria.”
The American forces are making suspicious movements inside Iraqi territory, which have caused panic in Iraqi society.
For fear of conducting military operations or carrying out hidden plots, which requires a government clarification that resolves the controversy of this issue.
(We will come to grips with the FACT that America is the problem in the middle east not the solution.
Yes, Iran must be dealt with but this manipulation of countries and entire societies by America has to stop.
We see the impact on Iraq and we have to stop and think how they are interfering with the democracy and sovereignty of Iraq.)

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