Thursday, September 21, 2023



 [Iraqi Banking friend Aki update]  

There were meetings on Monday and Tuesday [Between CBI and Private banks] talking about the ATMs and they called it a 'new currency.   

Not once did they say lower denoms or LDs they simply called it 'new currency'.  When you see this you'll know exactly what the CBI is talking about to the citizens.   Not the old 3-zero notes but the lower denominations. 


 [via WiserNow]   ...Prime Minister Al-Sudani is telling us the RV that we're looking to happen this week...He's talking about putting out the new rate which would be an international rate, not our rate that we're gonna get, but an international rate of the new Iraqi dinar in the printed version of the gazette on Wednesday [today]

...So between 8am in the morning and 8pm tomorrow [Wednesday] it is supposed to be our pay day. It is supposed to be the day that we get started with our exchanges..

...We got a visit from Prime Minister Sudani from Iraq. He met with President Trump and a few others, in an undisclosed location that I know where it is. And I think it was just going over last minute stuff. But he flew back, prime minister Sudani flew back to Iraq ...

and is going to bring out news of the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar to his people tomorrow [Wednesday].  He said...this week...will be a miracle week...He said not only for the country of Iraq, but for the entire world.

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