Friday, September 1, 2023


  Texas Snake

  On Wed. 30 Aug, very positive news about appointment notifications possibly being released. A banker was told to have all his trained exchange personnel at their exchange locations starting Wednesday and forth going.


  [via PDK]  Question:  Can Iraq do everything in their budget with the 1100 rate that is going now?

  MarkZ answer:  No, it will be in the hole if they do it with the 1132 rate...but it gets them a lot closer though.

  Question:  What do you estimate the NEER [Nominal Effective Exchange Rate] rate would be necessary to do their projects

 MarkZ answer:  About $1.30 based on all the math that we have done, that many have done, would be the cheapest NEER rate that they can get away with, but then again they won't be able to achieve the final value that they want if the come in that low.

...RV news...chatter among the banking folks... possible within the next 72 hours is the chatter amongst bankers and groups...government contacts think as far out as the 9th, that is what they are hearing right now,  banking contacts think we are much closer than redemption contacts are working on Sunday, which is unusual...

I'm not getting anything negative...I still have group leaders that think we are going to break all speed records and still think we will get things done in the month of August, between now and tomorrow night at midnight.  They are going to have to do something quickly if they are going to meet those's encouraging.

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