Monday, September 25, 2023


 Sandy Ingram

  Article:  "Summary of Iraqi Prime Minister's Schedule at the UN General Assembly September 2023".  The Prime Minister of Iraq addressed the UN General Assembly this past week in New York City...He had a one-on-one meeting with US Secretary of State...He also met with US companies  on Thursday...

In his speech to the general assembly..he said the country has become a safe environment for investors focusing on eradicating corruption and is committed to international law...The PM told the general assembly everything they wanted to hear.  He called Iraq a key player in the global marketplace  and said other countries cannot use Iraq as a central point to hurt either Iran or Turkey.


 I would like to think this "Jolly Farm's" ride is about to come to an end soon.  With all the meetings with the UST, WTO, AMF, travels back and forth between countries, contracts being signed, countries pouring in to do business, Iraq to be the leader in the middle east and so on and so forth, this cannot drag out...I'm personally looking for this soon, not months down the road, as international business, if all true, won't stand for it.

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