Tuesday, September 26, 2023



Article:  "Central Bank of Iraq approves new system for external transfer"  They're turning more and more to the Iraqi dinar for use than the US dollar which is exactly what you want. 

 This will definitely strengthen the Iraqi dinar and as it becomes stronger, the value in the exchange between US dollar and Iraqi dinar will strengthen - They will have more value.  We will see an increase in the exchange for the Iraqi dinar.

 After the past week we're seeing a lot of things happening fairly quick over there in Iraq...You guys want to know if I'm excited about what's going on?  Of course I am.  Is it good news?  Of course it is.  

But what do I always say?  Stay grounded because when it comes to Iraq they have a habit of doing a lot of great things and doing something that screws it all up.  But this time around I'm more optimistic than I am pessimistic. 

The reverse of the Authorization for Military use that can actually be done by next week.  I'm looking forward to that because.

 I'm curious to see how that's going to work out, how that affects the sanctions that are against the currency of Iraq.  Because if we can get those reversed that's going to be a major step for Iraq and Iraqi dinar...

 Al-Sudani wraps up his visit with the United Nations General Assembly...He was supposed to meet with Biden but my understand is that they did not meet but he did speak with a couple of his staff members.

  I'm sure by now he must have some kind of idea how this [Thursday's] vote's gonna go...on whether or not they reverse the authorization of military use over there in Baghdad.  I'm wondering if there was any kind of stipulations or agreements that were made one way or the other but next week we're going to find out.

We know they've been working on reforming their banking system so it could work with international financial system.

  If they de-dollarize, get rid of the capital controls and they can have access to international financial systems, outside investors would come from all over to invest in Iraq.  You could see the Iraqi dinar jump up pretty good.

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