Monday, September 25, 2023


 Nader From The Mid East  

The HCL they start payment tomorrow and it goes all the way to 28th to 8th of October for 10 days.  They're gonna pay people.

 My boss [Prime Minister Sudani] back home let see what his decisions

[Response to needing documents to exchange] 

 "Hey, get your documents/papers ready"  What documents?

  What papers

 ...You can change any money in the world you don't need any documents besides the passport, drivers license or ID.  You don't need anything else even if you have 50 million of them.


 Al-Sudani wraps up his visit with the United Nations General Assembly...He was supposed to meet with Biden but my understand is that they did not meet but he did speak with a couple of his staff members. 

  I'm sure by now he must have some kind of idea how this [Thursday's] vote's gonna go...on whether or not they reverse the authorization of military use over there in Baghdad.  I'm wondering if there was any kind of stipulations or agreements that were made one way or the other but next week we're going to find out.

We know they've been working on reforming their banking system so it could work with international financial system. 

 If they de-dollarize, get rid of the capital controls and they can have access to international financial systems, outside investors would come from all over to invest in Iraq.  You could see the Iraqi dinar jump up pretty good.

We know that the Iraq dinar is much more valuable currency, how much of an impact it's 

[The US House of Representatives will hold a session next week to cancel the authorization for the invasion of Iraq]  going to have on Iraqi dinar remains to be seen. 

 Like I said I don't want to promise anything but I think then we could see some much bigger jumps in the value if outside investors start coming in  because the authorization has been reversed, if these restriction are removed off the Iraqi dinar then we can see some huge jumps.  

 Things are starting to look up, this is awesome...Prosperity is definitely on its way to Iraq.  I'm pretty sure I know what's on everybody's mind - When will the dinar change?

  I get it why people are excited but things have to be implemented.  They have to be already in play before you start to see some changes happening. 

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