Saturday, September 2, 2023


  Militia Man 

 It hasn't been their job to tell us everything.  It's because we're outsiders.  It's their country and they keep it to themselves as best as they possibly can.  We should be able to understand that that's a big component of this whole process...

What's this business about this 1132 that Alaq mentioned?  Alaq is the central bank governor...He said the official exchange rate for the Iraqi currency is 1132...A lot of people are going, 'Well that's not true!'.  The fact remains...he said the official rate of the Iraq dinar but it's not on their website.  I'm not making it up.  I'm not giving you's proved...

You're going from an old style to a new style in this new world economy...the triple zero notes aren't going to be a thing of the future.  They're going to be a thing of the past...


  It's not like you're going to need a receipt [from when you bought your dinars] when you exchange.  No body at at a bank is going to say, 'Greetings, Mr. Smith.  You have a million dinars, let me see your receipt.

 All they care about is, let me see the dinar.  And you say, 'Here's my certificate of authenticity.'  Well you can take that and throw it in the garbage.  Look, we'll [The bank] tell you if these dinar are good are not...

You still see whatever you see as the exchange rate on the CBI website.  You can go to the...airport and it's still at 13-whatever.  But you see the [CBI] articles tell you, 'Our official exchange rate is 1132...' I'm going to believe the CBI.  I'm going to say, 'Yes sir, understood!'

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