Sunday, September 17, 2023


  Militia Man 

 Al Sudani was denied access to come to...the US because he had three things to get done.  And now he is scheduled to be in the U.S. on the 20th which is Wednesday.  I have a hard time thinking on the 20th he's going to show up smiling and waving doing International contracts without having changed from 1310 to a real effective exchange rate.

We're in such a good space I can't contain the excitement because what we've seen in the last 96 hours.  There's nothing but powerful information from Al-Sudani, we have the US Treasury Assistant showing up...big companies...Stellar Energy...Total...Barzani being tickled pink because they've signed agreements.  We have a change of pace...

...on Tuesday – The US assistant secretary of the Treasury showed up to Iraq... other folks from the US were there- on the business side. So businesses showed up and other countries showed up...We are talking about International trade. Iran, Iraq, France, The US and many others...The US Secretary of the Treasury has the power to make certain things happen…and

 I think the US is now allowing the facilitation of Iraq joining the international financial system. And they say the Us now supports the tripartite budget for 2023, 24 and 25...And letting Iraq and Iran trade outside of using the US dollar is huge. There are deals with UAE, France, Japan, China and many more. This really is huge...These international contracts and international financial systems …well, we have never seen this before...I think we are in a phenomenal timeframe... 

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