Friday, September 15, 2023


Militia Man 

 [via PDK]  ...on Tuesday – The US assistant secretary of the Treasury showed up to Iraq... other folks from the US were there- on the business side. So businesses showed up and other countries showed up...We are talking about International trade. Iran, Iraq, France, The US and many others...The US Secretary of the Treasury has the power to make certain things happen…and I think the US is now allowing the facilitation of Iraq joining the international financial system. And they say the Us now supports the tripartite budget for 2023, 24 and 25...And letting Iraq and Iran trade outside of using the US dollar is huge. There are deals with UAE, France, Japan, China and many more. This really is huge...These international contracts and international financial systems …well, we have never seen this before...I think we are in a phenomenal timeframe... 

Once they go international they're going to have to have an international exchange rate to value assets.  Those assets are going to have to be competitive in the marketplace.   I think Al-Sudani's speech...the U.S. Treasury showing back up today, the Central Banks of Iran and Iraq are a key focus and everybody should be really excited about it.  Let's see what happens in the next couple days.  Obviously they're going to tell us more about this whole process because it's going to be a public deal...

The Central Bank of Iraq and Iranian, who are they having meetings with?  The United States Secretary of the Treasury... Article:  "The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iran arrives in Baghdad with a visit that will lead to a reduction in the price of the dollar."  That tells you the dollar is going to decline and their currencies are going to go up...I believe they're in execution stage...

 Article quote:  "Iraqi and Iranian Central Banks are working on a mechanism to regulate trade and break the back of the parallel market."  They had a problem with the black market.  The parallel market is illegal.  It's illegal to be trading in dollars...Sounds like they're about to get rid of it.  Iraq is supposed to be dealing in dinar only...on the streets...

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