Thursday, September 14, 2023



 [via PDK]   Groups are positioned and ready…agreements are done…people are all in place…The US Treasury is in Iraq…all we are waiting on is the switch pulled. 

  I am continuing to hear very positive stuff.  The consensus is from my Iraqi contacts…that they are looking for a worldwide announcement of a rate change somewhere around the 20th or 21st. That does not mean we are waiting until then. That means that is when it should be announced to the public. We should hear something before then based on what I am hearing right now. Let’s hope this is accurate. I don’t think I have ever heard this much hype before…It’s almost overwhelming…In a positive way.
 My banking contacts believe it will be in the next day or two. My Iraqi sources say between now and the 20th. We do not know the timing but the indicators look absolutely stunning for this timing of the next 8 days…with the emphasis on the next day or two being highly possible. Get excited, stay excited and know what you are going to do.

 People are there in Iraq to make things happen. This is main stream news on the streets of Iraq. What a news day today. They are expecting news tomorrow from rate, timing etc…in Iraq…is what I am being told by Iraqi sources…Things are getting super exciting. We do know that some of the last representatives needed are expected to be in place today and tomorrow…It is close... 

Question:   "Why does the US have any say in Iraq’s revaluation?"  MarkZ:  Because of the Iraqi war and the rebuild Iraq money and part of the surrender agreement with Sadaam Hussein when they pulled out of Kuwait. That is it in a nutshell…so the US can recoup the cost of the war.  Question:  "Will the US get in the way of the RV again?"  I can tell you they are caving and cannot get in the way now.

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