Wednesday, September 13, 2023



  [via PDk]  

 My banking contacts believe it will be in the next day or two. My Iraqi sources say between now and the 20th. We do not know the timing but the indicators look absolutely stunning for this timing of the next 8 days…with the emphasis on the next day or two being highly possible. Get excited, stay excited and know what you are going to do.

People are there in Iraq to make things happen. This is main stream news on the streets of Iraq. What a news day today.

 They are expecting news tomorrow from rate, timing etc…in Iraq…is what I am being told by Iraqi sources…Things are getting super exciting.  We do know that some of the last representatives needed are expected to be in place today and tomorrow…It is close... 

Question:   "Why does the US have any say in Iraq’s revaluation?"  

MarkZ:  Because of the Iraqi war and the rebuild Iraq money and part of the surrender agreement with Sadaam Hussein when they pulled out of Kuwait. 

That is it in a nutshell…so the US can recoup the cost of the war.

  Question:  "Will the US get in the way of the RV again?"  I can tell you they are caving and cannot get in the way now.

We have been seeing all kinds of bank rates on currency calculators. My bankers believe they are priming the pump for the system and punching in different values to test things. I really think this may be the last week we have to deal with all of this. 

 My Iraqi contacts believe it will be here from yesterday up through the 20th…tops. Most of my sources over here believe this is it!!! Don’t be upset if it’s not quite that quick as there are a lot of moving pieces behind the curtain...  

 ...We are so close…coming right from is time to address the exchange rate…BAM.

  They have been in many meetings…we have had people here from Iraq for the last few weeks. Folks from our Us Fed Reserve and Treasury have been over there.

  I totally agree that it is done…. We are just waiting for some reason.  Waiting for when that trigger is flipped.

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