Friday, September 8, 2023



 If they [the bank] made a profit off of you, shame on you.  Don't let them make a profit off of you.  You're Mr. Clampett and they're Mr Drysdale.  Act accordingly.  You have the power. 

I don't care if you go in there with 500,000, 100,000, don't let them treat you stupid.  The bank is not your friend.  They have laws that do not allow them to be your friends. 

There's no such thing as an NDA...'Here, sign this.  I don't want you to say a single word about what you're seeing ok?' | "Whatcha gonna do?" | 'I don't know.' |

 "What are you going to take me to court with an NDA?  You think they're going to recognize it?  You think this is a legal term?" | 'No.' | "Then get out of my face NDA! "

 Bank friend believes the rate is 1132.   The CBI deputies have to post that on their page by law if not International...he thinks the official rate will not be shown to anyone right now.  But he keeps telling me with force that he thinks it's 1132 unofficially known to everyone...

He stands behind this.  FRANK:  How many times have they come out and told you the exchange rate is 1132.  They tell you not to pay attention to the lie of the street rate which is 1320.  They keep repeating it to you for a very good reason... [NOTE:  You can always see the official CBI listed exchange rate in the left column of this page.]

Question:  "Will we have to pay any kind of tax after or during the exchanging of the dinar for American dollars?"  When you go to the bank and you present your dinar...don't leave your eyes off of them.  You make sure that you see your account has been credited...

At that point they are not going to say to you, 'Ok Mr Frank you have 1 million dinars you owe $300,000 in taxes.'  A bank doesn't collect taxes.  They're not made to do that...They don't have the facilities to collect taxes from you as an individual... [NOTE:  Consult your tax professionals so you pay the right amount of tax for your unique situation.]

 If we had about a million Americans citizens all of a sudden came out millionaires instantly that would be a really good shot in the arm for America's structure wouldn't it?  It would...

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