Sunday, September 10, 2023



 When you go to a bank they don't even want a receipt.  'Why do I need a receipt?'  In case you're audited...Long term [tax] might be in the 20% range.  Short term might be in the 40% range.  Somewhere in that ballpark.  That's why you need a receipt.  That's why it's important.  

[NOTE:  Remember some gurus think dinar exchange tax will be considered ordinary income while others fell it will be capital gains...the only opinion that matter's here is the IRS's...Consult your tax professionals so you pay the right amount of tax for your unique situation.]

Suandi keeps repeating once security is stabilized and established and is firmly in place you are going to see the explosion of your currency/new exchange rate

...It's many that are helping Sudani return wealth back to [Iraq].  To do this special type of cleaning for the new exchange rate took a coordinated effort of many countries...

All those countries that have helped bring back millions and trillions that were stolen by the corruption of the past decades they are all pitching in to help Sudani because they know what's about to happen to your monetary reform... The whole world wants Iraq and the pain of waiting is coming to an end...

The official rate is 1132.  That's 132 pips away from 1000.  They can do that in your sleep.  Yes, I strongly believe we have another movement to get to 1000 so it can be paired at 1 to 1.  That's the goal.

 IMF tells every central bank what they can do with their monetary reform.  The IMF has said...Iraq is going through a change to add value to their currency right now...Any other country doing that 

No.  Article quote:  "The International Monetary Fund confirmed that the Greater Middle East, including in currently witnessing a profound shift in geopolitics, creating new possibilities for achieving prosperity, even despite the current international conflicts....Profound.

 If they [the bank] made a profit off of you, shame on you.  Don't let them make a profit off of you. 

 You're Mr. Clampett and they're Mr Drysdale.  Act accordingly.  You have the power. I don't care if you go in there with 500,000, 100,000, don't let them treat you stupid.  The bank is not your friend.  They have laws that do not allow them to be your friends. 

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