Saturday, September 23, 2023



[via WiserNow]  ...we talked about whether or not the rate of the Iraqi dinar would be in the printed gazette Wednesday...

And we checked it and yes, it was. It was according to our sources, put in the printed version of the Gazette, which means that the RV actually happened yesterday [Wednesday] - in Iraq and throughout the Middle East 

who were able to see... and read the printed version of the Gazette in Arabic - and so they got started, essentially yesterday in that region of the world...Now, what about us.

...what we have heard ...we will get started on or by Saturday...What we also know is on Saturday, the plan is to put the rate of the Iraqi dinar out on the digital version of the gazette....

my understanding is that's the version that people would be able to see internationally...So we're looking for a pretty big weekend. 

 [via WiserNow]  ...the oil and gas law which is the HCL, the hydrocarbon 

they're going to start paying that out to the people of Iraq, this is something they get proceeds from their portion meted out to each citizen... I believe it's this month...could be October... I can't remember exactly when but that has been agreed upon...

1 comment:

  1. Other sources on the ground say it wasn't in the Gazette. Show the proof please
