Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 Judy Note: A test on this criminal Federal Reserve Emergency Management Agency’s new Emergency Action System (EAS) was scheduled for Wed. 4 Oct. 2023.

Meanwhile the White Hats planned, through the new Star Link Satellite System, to turn on their own Emergency Transmission System and activate the Global gold/asset-backed Currency Reset, including implementing NESARA/GESARA.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Tues. 5 Sept. Bruce: A high ranking banking contact said that timing for Bond Holders was extended to Wed. 6 Sept. at 6pm. Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) should get notified overnight tonight Tues. 5 Sept. or tomorrow around 8 am EST Wed. 6 Sept. Another contact said emails  should go out early morning Wed. 6 Sept. Appointments could possibly be made as early as Wed. 6 Sept. afternoon.
  • Tues. 5 Sept. MarkZ: “Rumors from groups was that funds start tomorrow (Wed. 6 Sept.) and would heavily roll out this week. I agree with Texas Snake in that rumor was that the upper level of the banking world was saying in the next 24-48 hours (from Sun. 3 Sept.).”
  • Judy Note: A clock reappearing on Telegram on Tues. 5 Sept. indicated that the End of the Deep State was scheduled for Wed. 6 Sept. 5:35 pm EST.
  • Mon. 4 Sept. TNT RayRen98: “Meetings took place over the weekend. Agreements were met. New docs needed signatures. It’s all a wrap now.”
  • Tues. 5 Sept. Forbes Converter Zim to USD: 
  • After signing the NDA you cannot use the words RV, QFS, GCR, rates, exchange, redemption, currency, exchange rates, Zim, Dinar, Dong, etc, or any other terms related to this exchange-redemption event because your communication and posts will be monitored by NSA and other agencies.

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