Thursday, September 7, 2023


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 6 Sept. Evening MarkZ: Group, Reno and other redemption sources say its anywhere from now until Sat. 9 Sept. Military sources say that they are pushing for exchanges to be completed by Sun. 1 Nov. and that our current US Federal Dollar would be worthless by then. 
  • Tues. 5 Sept. Texas Snake: Folks just to inject some RV news I am being told by multiple sources that we are within hours or only a few days for this to trigger so please stay alert and connected to these rooms for any notifications, stay well and GOD Bless.
  • Tues. 5 Sept. Bruce: A high ranking banking contact said that timing for Bond Holders was extended to  Wed. 6 Sept. at 6pm. On the 1st of September the World Global Fund came together. The World Alliance Fund used some of these Trusts like St. Germaine and others to pay off the National Debt to the turn of 21 Trillion Dollar, plus all the debt throughout the world. Each country’s debt was paid off. The USA Inc is defunct and we are now the newly Restored Republic. The first fruits of Nesara and Gesara in terms of Debt Relief and Jubilee.
  • Mon. 4 Sept. TNT RayRen98: “Meetings took place over the weekend. Agreements were met. New docs needed signatures. It’s all a wrap now.”
  • Tues. 5 Sept. Forbes Converter Zim to USD: 

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