Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Summary of recent Intel of TNT, Wolverine, Bruce and MarkZ: Overnight Thurs. 7 Sept. monies began moving. By Fri. 8 Sept. in Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the green light for Whales to be paid. Kurdistan received $500 billion to pay out on Sat. 9 Sept.This past weekend the ATMs, new coins and monies activated in Iraq, US and it was assumed, throughout the World. News of that GCR activation was scheduled to come out sometime by Tues. 12 Sept, at which time all other tiers would begin to be paid. Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions were to be completed by Sun. 1 Nov.when the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless. 
  • Mon. 11 Sept. MarkZ: We have been seeing all kinds of bank rates on currency calculators. My bankers believe they are priming the pump for the system and punching in different values to test things. I really think this may be the last week we have to deal with all of this. What I am hearing from a number of my group contacts is that money will be moving on or by Tuesday 12 Sept.
  • Mon. 11 Sept. The Quantum Financial Revolution: How QFS is Overturning the Old Order and Why You Should Care – American Media Group (amg-news.com)


  • On Fri. 1 Sept. 2023 full integration of the Quantum Financial System took place after the US National Debt of close to $33 Trillion was paid off. This triggered the Global Currency Reset.
  • Fri. 8 Sept. monies were moving for the Global Currency Reset. In Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the Green Light.
  • On Sat. 9 Sept. The two day G20 Summit began in New Delhi, where the Cabal made major economic changes, among them was announcement of their digital fiat currency activation in Oct. 2023.
  • Fri. 15 Sept. EBS?: Donna C “I have a friend in SC works for the convention center. Said the employees have been told that the EBS will go off on 9/15 & all communications will be turned off. I trust this person with my life. Just a heads up.”
  • On Wed. 1 Nov. Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions were to be completed, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.

  • by JUDY

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