Sunday, September 24, 2023

Central Bank of Iraq: Important transformations in external transfer mechanisms , 24 SEPT

 Central Bank of Iraq: Important transformations in external transfer mechanisms

September 24, 2023

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, announced that the bank will proceed to dispense with external transfers “next year” and that banks licensed in Iraq will rely on correspondent banks in external transfer operations, as transfers through correspondent banks reached 60% of the total transfers ( outside the Central Bank’s electronic platform), while the implementation rate of verified transfers reached more than 95%.

This came after an agreement between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Bank, similar to countries around the world, where central banks do not perform executive duties, and their role is focused on supervision and control.


His Excellency confirmed, during the meeting with the heads of the boards and authorized directors of the banks licensed in Iraq, that the Central Bank’s endeavor to open direct channels of communication for Iraqi banks with their foreign counterparts in correspondence, commercial exchange, etc. came in intensive stages, while what is currently underway is opening transfer channels in various currencies, including ( UAE Dirham, Turkish Lira, Indian Rupee, Euro).

His Excellency stressed that the coming year will witness the restriction of all internal commercial and other transactions to the Iraqi dinar instead of the dollar, except for those delivered to travelers.

He pointed out that the entry of most merchants into the official transfer channels and the provision of the dollar at a price of (1320) dinars was a direct reason for controlling the general level of prices and lowering the inflation rate, which is a basic indicator of the effectiveness of monetary policy, and that the black market price is not suitable as an “indicator” because it It relates to cash dollars for non-fundamental transactions, and is not intended for legitimate trade purposes.

Al-Alaq pointed out that the new system of external transfer and sale of the dollar provides protection from risks for all parties of operations, enjoys international acceptance and praise, is consistent with the law on combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and achieves an important initiative for direct relations between Iraqi banks and accredited international banks.

The meeting reviewed the mechanism for establishing “Riyadah Bank” and the societal importance that the bank will have, especially since it is consistent with the directives and vision of the honorable Prime Minister. Discussions were raised on this topic, including the banks’ contributions to establishing “Riyadah” and the working mechanisms of this bank, which will be effective for those wishing to open projects.

Productive and small businesses that contribute to developing the local economy and reducing the unemployment rate with direct support from the Central Bank.

Central Bank of Iraq 
Information Office 
September 24, 2023

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