Wednesday, September 6, 2023



[via PDK] ...we are starting to see changes in bank values etc. But, not an open trade on them yet...We have seen this in the past and it’s our theory that they are preparing the process when we see those rate changes. Is this the one where they actually pull the trigger???...

The banker side has a lot of anticipation for late this afternoon...We have bank personnel keeping us abreast if any of these currencies become “tradable”...We will see what materializes.  [post 2 of 2]

  [via PDK]  There are interesting things showing on currency converters…from the Forbes one to the EIX…. There are some interesting values showing on many of our currencies... 
There are a lot of “inconsistencies” on currency calculators right now. We are seeing Bolivar made it up to .35 cents. (doesn’t mean you can exchange it right now) We tried... Dong rates have also been bouncing around...


Article:  "Tabaqchali: Banks to Fuel the Iraqi Market's Next Phase A step to diversify Iraq's economy.
 There are two possible scenarios for the Iraqi dinar.  One of which is not good for us as investors, which is a redenomination/LOP also referred to delete the three zeros. 

 I believe much of this talk is just talk to curb speculation. This also could have been done years ago.  The other option is to float the dinar which is the most logical option. Which allows the dinar to actually rise in value over time based on the  growth of their own economic success, and  increase in GDP. This is the most likely outcome.

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