Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 Tues. 1 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zimbabwe were Basil 3 compliant as of Tues. 1 Aug.
  • Emergency Alert System (EBS) was supposed to come out last Wed, but was stopped by three computers. They have solved that problem.
  • A huge amount of mass arrests were going on.
  • Banks were ready, ATMs loaded with USN
  • Some of the very highest people at our lead bank said we would be notified Wed. 2 Aug. with appointments made on Thurs. 3 Aug.
  • Funds would be released Wed. evening 2 Aug. and Thurs. 3 Aug.
  • Super Whales who have boxes of Bonds will keep 10% of their redemption, the other 90% will go to fund GESARA/NESARA.
  • I’m being blown away by the numbers of people being arrested and in states you’d be surprised to hear.  And this won’t be on MSM – they just won’t report on this – and are significant numbers happening every day.

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