Monday, August 21, 2023


 MilitiaMan (KTFA)

We saw a documentary video of them specifically reducing the note count, destroying money….

We don’t know how much money they have destroyed yet but they will probably disclose it because it’ll be a necessary thing to disclose when they go international.  People are going to  want to know what their money supply is.  The bottom line is they were destroying and…making little pellets with perfectly good money. 

Those of you out there on the Internet that are doing the math saying this doesn’t work, if you don’t know how much money they’ve destroyed, you don’t have good calculations. 

So be very careful on telling people that it’s not going to happen when it clearly is showing the Central Bank of Iraq, The Finance Ministry, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury and everybody else goes against what you’re saying.  Be fair in your analysis. 

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