Friday, August 4, 2023


 Global Currency Revaluation:

  • Thurs. 3 Aug Bruce: Liquidity for the GCR was intended to be released yesterday Wed, 2 Aug, but didn’t because three things still needed to be done: (1) takedown of the Biden Administration, (2) EBS emerged with the Global Financial System for disclosure and (3) announcement of NESARA and GESARA. The EBS would be emerged with the Global Financial System by Thurs. 3 Aug. evening. NESARA/GESARA will be announced sometime between when we begin our appointments and the middle of August. Bond Holders will be liquid and paid on Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug. and our exchanges will begin Tues.8 Aug. or Wed. 9 Aug. You will be under an NDA for 30-60 days. You cannot talk about your exchange to anyone. If you want certain people as exclusions to the NDA, have their names typed up on a paper to hand in at your exchange.
  • Thurs. 3 Aug. MarkZ: “I am still hearing the rumor that we will see the new rate when they issue and publish the instructions for the budget…which has already been passed. They have done a great job of keeping this under wraps and secret. I know a number of very connected people who are traveling to be in place by Fri. 4 Aug. Getting mixed reports as to whether this will be Saturday or Monday/Tuesday. Personally I think this is going to be “IT.”
  • Tues. 1 Aug. Captain Marvel Jr.: “Received word that the EBS could go off any time between now and the end of the weekend.”
  • On Sun. 30 July Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the Global Currency Reset and on Mon. 31 July, signed a digital ruble bill into law, approving the use of its central bank digital currency for payments starting from Aug. 1, 2023.
  • Mon. 31 July Bearded Patriot: “Just got off a call and can confirm that the first wave of liquidity starts Tues. 1 Aug. There were multiple steps regarding the payout pecking order: Beneficiary Accts, Fines & Penalties, Whales, etc. There were an extreme amount of funds and groups that needed to get paid. It will take a few days. Once it’s starts nothing can stop it. Iraq’s desire was to have this completed and published in the Gazette on Sat. 5 Aug.”
  • Mon. 31 July Ranga Rao Konuganti Tom RV/GCR Updates: “Money is moving, large amounts from Singapore to the Philippines, from the Windsor Fund (one of the top six global collateral accounts) to the Chinese Elders, so that they can execute the Financial Transition.”
  • Sun. 30 July Texas Snake: Text received 10:10 this morning from a Banker: “All indications are from high sources is that this coming week will have positive news in light that all 209 countries have approved the required protocols. So will advise ASAP after I receive the news.”
  • Sun. 30 July Wolverine: “Very early today I received Intel from a very high Contact. I can’t tell you what they said other than things are progressing. Everything is ready. It won’t happen today but we may have very good news this week.”

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