Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 Global Currency Revaluation:

Mon. 14 Aug. MarkZ: “We are expecting a very busy week between now and the 17th. … On the news front most of my sources are expecting things more like Wed. 16 Aug. and Thurs.17 Aug. There is some news out of Zimbabwe just a few hours ago. Their Central Bank is close to releasing the gold backed digital tokens into retail for peer to peer, store to store, and individual use. They have announced that they are close – which means they are probably already done with the tech. This is the way most of these nations operate.”

Sun. 13 Aug. American Patriot: “The Military Earth Alliance Covert Operations have neutralized covert operations and all 209 countries were now gold/asset-backed. The Star link Satellite System has been interconnecting computerized unmanned stations to monitor the Quantum System that’s been connected and synched up.”

By Mon. 7 Aug. the Iraqi Parliament had approved their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it and published it in the Gazette the next day Tues. 8 Aug.

On Wed. 9 Aug. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was believed to have revalued at a 1:1 with the USD and then began trading up on the Forex back screens.

On Thurs. 10 Aug. the direct payment system was activated to send funds internationally person to person.

Tier 4b should be notified to receive appointments to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim bonds within 48 hours of Bond Holders.

The Gold/asset-backed USN was expected to be announced between Aug.18-21, or most certainly at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South African Aug. 22-24.

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