Sunday, August 13, 2023


Learn about Iraq’s rank in the Arab world and globally, with the highest share of GDP

Iraq is ranked 113th in the world and seventh in the Arab world. It has the highest share of GDP among 190 countries listed.

According to a report by CEOWORLD, rich countries typically have higher per capita GDP, indicating strong economies and high income levels.

According to her, GDP per capita is not the only factor determining a country’s well-being. Income inequality, wealth distribution, and public services also play a crucial role.

According to the magazine, Iraq ranked 113th in the world and seventh in the Arab world in terms of per capita GDP, which is $4,775.

In the Arab world, Qatar has the highest GDP per capita at $66,838, followed by the United Arab Emirates at $44,315. Bahrain ranks third at $26,562, followed by Saudi Arabia at $23,185, Oman at $19,509, and Libya at $6,357. Iraq ranks seventh, Lebanon eighth at $4,136, Jordan ninth at $4,103, and Tunisia tenth at $3,807.

Globally, Monaco has the highest per capita GDP at $234,316, followed by Luxembourg at $133,590, Bermuda at $114,090, Iceland at $100,172, and Switzerland at $91,991.

At the bottom of the world, Burundi has the lowest per capita GDP of $221, followed by Afghanistan at $368, and Somalia at $446.


Erbil urges Baghdad to abide by the constitution in enacting the oil and gas law
Erbil urges Baghdad to abide by the constitution in enacting the oil and gas lawThe Kurdistan government has expressed its concern about the recurrence of the political crisis that accompanied the adoption of the federal budget law, noting that differences impede the inclusion of the rights of the Kurds in the draft oil and gas law, which is witnessing a round of talks in Baghdad in preparation for its legislation in the federal parliament.

The region’s cabinet stressed the adoption of “constitutional foundations” in preparing the oil and gas law jointly between the federal government, the regional government, and the oil and gas-producing provinces.
A statement of the Council stated that the latter held a meeting the day before yesterday evening, in the city of Erbil, the capital of the region, headed by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and in the presence of the Vice President of the Council, Qubad Talabani, and it dealt with “a number of issues included in its agenda.”

At the beginning of the first paragraph of its agenda, “The Council of Ministers reviewed the results of the visit of the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation to Baghdad, related to the preparation of a draft federal oil and gas law jointly between the federal government, the Kurdistan region and the Iraqi oil and gas producing provinces, based on the constitutional articles related to the oil and gas sector. ».

Barzani stressed the need to “prepare a draft oil and gas law at the federal level of Iraq, based on the provisions of the constitution related to the oil and gas sector,” noting that “these constitutional articles constitute the basic foundation for that, as clearly stipulated in the constitution, and the draft law should have With the approval of the federal government, the Kurdistan region, and the oil-producing provinces in Iraq, reflecting the principles of the federal system in the country, as established in the constitution.

He stressed the need to “respect the agreements concluded between the Kurdistan region and the federal government regarding the rights constitutionally guaranteed to the region.”

The Council of Ministers stressed the importance of «having a law that regulates the oil and gas sector at the level of Iraq, provided that it is compatible with the principles of organizing this sector and with the federal system of the Iraqi state, as stated in the constitution».
Also in the context, the official spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Peshwa Hawrami, revealed that the government seeks to protect the dues and constitutional rights of citizens in the issue of approving the oil and gas law.
And he said, in a press conference, that «our message to the political parties in the region is that the draft oil and gas law differs from the budget law», noting that «the differences between the political parties in the region affected the draft budget law, and we were unable to include all the rights of citizens in this project either Because of these differences or because of the mentality that wants to limit the region ».
And he called on the political parties to “unify the ranks on the issue of the draft oil and gas law, because this will affect the lives of citizens.”
I warned against repeating the budget scenario: political differences impede the rights of our citizens
He added, “Our message to the political parties in Baghdad is to give the rights of the Kurdistan region,” stressing that “anything outside this framework will not be acceptable to us.”
He continued, “We are now in the first stages of negotiation, and we hope to reach a good agreement with Baghdad that will be in the interest of both sides.”
On the other hand, the federal government relies on the law on the negotiating table to resolve the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, most of which are related to the issues of oil and financing.

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sabhan Mulla Jiyad, believes that the file of the oil and gas law will “open all outstanding files” between the central and regional governments, and will also contribute to resolving the dispute between the two governments.
He said in a televised statement that “previous governments made a mistake by neglecting the oil and gas file. Correcting relations between the center and the region is often done by agreement on paper, but on the ground there is failure and negligence.”

And he indicated that «the government of Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani has a new vision of the form of the relationship between the center and the region».
He added, “Baghdad and Erbil are oscillating in their places to solve the problems created by the constitution, and the Kurdistan region is required to take care of the intimate relationship between the Kurds and the Iraqis.”
According to him, “the oil and gas law will open all outstanding files between the two governments, especially the export of oil, and will also contribute to resolving the dispute between the center and the region.” .
In parallel, the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Wealth Committee spoke about the outcomes of a government meeting regarding the oil and gas law that took place in the capital, Baghdad, the day before yesterday.
Committee member, Intisar Al-Jazaery, reported that “a meeting was held in Baghdad regarding the oil and gas law, which included all concerned parties from the executive authority, in addition to the governor of Basra, as it is the first province to produce oil.”

She added, in a statement to local news websites, that “the meeting witnessed the issuance of a draft oil and gas law, which was submitted by all parties, including the Kurdistan region,” indicating that “the draft contained a lot of materials related to licensing rounds for oil-producing and non-oil-producing provinces, how to distribute them fairly, and how to develop them and advocate.” To invest in oil and petroleum in a sophisticated way in the coming years ».
And she explained that «this draft was written in order to discuss the materials contained within it and to know the developments that may occur on it, and then after that it will be discussed within the Oil and Gas Committee, as the committee responsible and concerned with this file».
And on the fields of the Kurdistan region, Al-Jazaery indicated that “the oil and gas law will be approved to eliminate all these problems, and for the management of this file to be unified by the federal government.”

She pointed out that “the region produces oil, but in return it receives the salaries of its employees from the center, which pushes the federal government to control all wealth, including the Kurdistan region, as it belongs to all the people.”
And she continued, “This law regulates all oil extraction and export operations through SOMO,” noting that “this draft contains many important articles, and in the coming days it will reach the House of Representatives.” 

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