Friday, August 4, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 08/04/2023

PDK Note: I will only transcribe RV Related or Intel with Financial relevance. If any certain podcast is mostly about politics and social opinions I will not do any notes. So if there are no notes transcribed that is the reason.. Thank you for understanding. 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening Mark Z, Mods and family

Member: Welcome to yet another weekend

Member: I pray this is the weekend for our RV

Member: FYI - only 150 days left in 2023... just thought I'd throw that out for y'all because pretty soon the Xmas trees will be up in Home Depot.

Member: Why do you think it’s a nothing burger tonight?

MZ: I totally expected it to be a nothing burger . I am not expecting news until over the weekend or early in the week. But, I think they are making the beef patties as we speak. I think its quiet right now because they are busy working. 

MZ: Most of my sources still believe we are very close. MR.C thinks any day now  to just a few weeks and I agree. 

Member: I know they have asked you guys to be quiet- but is this our weekend?

MZ: We don’t know for sure but there are a lot of pieces put into to place that could let it go this weekend.  A heck of a lot of them ….But, we won’t know until we cross the finish line. 

MZ: Still a lot of people traveling today. We may not have news until mid- weekend if anything happens. 

MZ: Sources tell me that the plan has not changed …and they are executing it.  So there was nothing negative. 

Member: I wish Iraq would hurry up already for the love of God!

Member: Mark, do you think there will be an interim rate change in Iraq to between 1000 and 700 before they drop the three zeroes and get us to better than 1:1 ?

MZ: If you had asked that a few weeks ago I would have said yes. But asking that today-I think they are going to skip that step …but we will see. 

Member: I think something should happen before or around the 22nd or so when BRICS has their big meetings. 

Member: I keep telling myself by the 23rd, SOMETHING will have to happen...

Member:  If I understand Bo Polny correctly, the RV will happen between August 5 and August 9. BE PATIENT & GET READY TO CELEBRATE!!

Member:  If banks are just now renovating and getting ready for RV- Does that mean it’s not time yet?

MZ: Most of those already have offices they have renovated. My guess is they have enough of them up and running and ready. My connections in wealth management have been preparing for this for some time. My guess is we are closer than we think and they have enough ready now.

Member: I believe we were the chosen ones to be alive at this time and to witness the fall of the Cabal! -Timber

Member: RIP Deepstate “rest in pieces”

Member: It could happen at any time if the White Hats are in control of everything 

Member: Everyone have a great weekend. May this be our last weekend broke!

Member: Mark - Thanks too for all the latest news & updates.


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