Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 08/01/2023

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Tuesday Evening Everyone

Member:  I wonder what happened to Christmas in July???

Member: Good evening, this is a new month, the 8th month which is considered “new beginnings “ in biblical terms. New currency, a whole new world

MZ: We are still hearing that money is supposed to be positioned for this weekend. We shall see. There are a lot of bond folks –even outside Asia that are moving right now. I’m a bit excited but we will see how this goes.

MZ: It was fairly quiet out of Iraq today.

Member: Frank said yesterday a delegation was sent from the CBI to D.C with the express purpose of discussing the rate.

Member: GuruFrank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:   TV saying upcoming delegation heading to America to discuss the exchange rate!  Saying it’s an Iraqi government delectation going to America.  FRANK:  It’s fantastic to see a CBI delegation is now head to America to discuss your exchange rate with the US Treasury.  Wow…holy guacamole!

MZ: Yes that is part of the discussion going on in Iraq….The other topic is the Iraqi people are done waiting and are forcing the issue. This discussion is in the streets, with government officials and the banks.  We will be getting our rate change. Its happening.

Member: Also, on Sat a package was sent to the general managers at the CBI with major changes & instructions – Frank says this probably means a new exchange rate as they will want to fund the budget

Member: I wonder if the rate will be 1 to 1 and float or a fixed rate. Sure wish we knew

Member: It’s been said 3.81 in states: contract rate can be higher…pray its true

Member: With India and Brazil backing out of BRICS, does that postpone the RV beyond its current state?

Member:  Brazil and India founded BRICS…. What do you mean backing out?

Member: Hopefully it’s a rumor or misinformation. …who knows….So many liars in the news agencies.

Member: Has there been any talk of Iraq or Vietnam joining BRICS?

MZ: Great questions. They have both indicated their interest in doing that. Iraq has to be careful as the US is still controlling a good bit of their money flow.  Both India and Brazil also walking on a razors edge dealing with the US and BRICS. ….This is fun to watch.

Member: If Iraq and Vietnam where in secret talks to join Brics could the announcement of them and others being excepted along with backed currencies at the meeting this month be the hammer dropping?

Member: What do you think about FedNow?

MZ: It’s a tool to move/transfer money. If the good guys win it will work with the QFS….If the bad guys win…they will use it for CBDC’s

Member: Thumbs up and much gratitude to Mark, Mods, and this fabulous group

Member: One of these days real soon , I believe we will all be Happy!!!!

Member:  Mark- a huge thanks as always for all you bring to this community.


Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.

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