Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 08/08/2023

PDK Note: I will only transcribe RV Related or Intel with Financial relevance. If any certain podcast is mainly about politics and social opinions or any political-type picture posted on Marks videos I will not do any notes. So if there are no notes transcribed…there usually was little to no RV news at all included in that particular podcast.

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone! happy Tuesday!

Member: RV there yet or at least seeing the finish line ???

Member: This day in history:On August 8, 1786, the US Dollar was established as a national currency and system of value exchange, backed by precious metal.

Member: 08/08/1974 – Nixon announces that he will leave the White House at noon the next day, “I am not a crook!”

Member: Militia man seemed happy on his last video. maybe it's soon :)

MZ: Militiaman did a good one-“Iraqi Dinar - Accession to the Global Stage – WTO”  It is well worth listening to. He gives his opinion of expecting something to happen “very soon” . 

Member: Agree MarkZ, MM was spot on last night! And he seemed “giddy”.

MZ: Things are still very quiet. Searching for a bond contact is very difficult. I am hopeful this means things are well underway. My messages go straight to voicemail which means they are being quiet for a reason. 

Member:  Nda's…we hope. 

Member: Mark- do you have any idea how we will be notified of RV here in Australia?

MZ: Same way everybody else finds out. A couple banking contacts say they will reach out to Recaps and other aggregating sites to send out the information ….a standardized list of instructions to let you know what to do. …where to go…ect. 

Member: Plus Mark, Frank, TNT, Bruce and many others will be letting us know. You won’t miss it. 

Member: Markets sell off just now! Dow going down!! Let’s hope it keeps lowering.

Member: Dow down 391.00

Member: Mark -- are you still under impression that Dong will go with the Dinar? I sure hope so.

Member: I think we are waiting for BRICS to announce the new gold backed currency on aug 22…to get things started. 

Member: BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa - haven’t formally announced the creation of a new currency but more than 40 countries are already indicating their interest to join the bloc according to Anil Sooklal, South Africa’s ambassador to BRICS. 

Member: after BRICS meeting. I wonder -can we do multi currency account. then travel to the countries for their revalue?

Member: Wish we as individuals could join BRICS. 

Member: I wonder if we have to be publicly gold backed before we RV?

Member: A banker was said to have told a customer who asked about the new offices…was told it was for currency exchanges. He was asked if he had any and he said “ dong and rate will be $3 per dont” 

MZ: We had something similar happen in several different areas. 

Member: What country is the bolivar from?

Member: Venezuela…..hope it revalues well. 

MZ: “Just when you think banks are safe again, Moody’s sounds the alarm”  To anyone that has studied economics- the writing is all over the wall.

Member: Major U.S. banks lose $262 billion in deposits; Heartland Tri-State Bank collapses:

Member: the failure of Heartland Tri-State Bank of Elkhart, Kansas, on July 28, with all customer deposits transferred to Dream First Bank, National Association (N.A.), also based in Kansas.

Member: Bank story: Bank says I still don't have any money in my account!

Member: We need Nesara/Gesara to happen worldwide….everywhere

Member: Yes, WhiteHats- stop coddling the sleepers, pull the lever already, time to start healing the land and our people.

Member: Oh, being in debt is an absolute blast! It's like a never-ending vacation in the land of bills, interest rates, and financial acrobatics. Who needs extra money, anyway?

Member: “The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.” C.S. Lewis

Member: What ever happened to arrests and indictments of the deep state….it seems to have just “gone away”?????

Member: Julie Green this morning title was Whistleblowers are coming that Will Destroy many in DC.

Member: It's amazing to me how other countries are talking about what's going on in the US. But you don't see any of in on our MSM.

Member: Life unfolds like a whimsical story, written by a mischievous author who delights in weaving together the crazy and surreal into our everyday experiences.

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods….hoping for some RV news by tonight…see you all then. 

God Bless everyone


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