Thursday, July 13, 2023



From my 7/11 newsletter you can clearly see that the CBI has met all its initiatives to upgrade the Iraq Stock Exchange Market enough to make the next move. So then where is item 6 of the items listed in the initiative? 

We know the reinstatement is planned or should I say was planned. The project to delete the zeros was even announced in the Mosques on both past Fridays but where is it? 

We know why Iraq keeps postponing this first step to initiate the overall process and trigger it. This next step is the project to delete the zeros (redenomination) but don’t be fooled by many of these gurus will also hear the same news then go off half-cocked without verifying that it actually did or did not happen. So, today we learn yet more. Does this recent “fuel swap” deal affect the RV? Read on and find out more in today’s news. What do you think? 


We clearly can also see a trend from the Iraq news. This trend is more and more exposing the U.S. and it’s bad and reckless policies in Iraq. So, after 20 years already, who is holding up progress in Iraq? Has it been the many covert operations the U.S. has undertaken to under mind any real progress? Or is it just that Iraq can’t get it’s act together or is it just made to look that way? Oh…maybe Mnt Goat is on to something here? 

I have to tell you that spending many years in Iraq while in the military, I have gotten to know the average citizen. They are just like you and me. They want jobs, a home and all the necessities to survive and raise their families. This oil wealth is more than enough to rebuild Iraq many times over and supply all their needs. So why has it all not taken place? Why do they struggle so much? Why do they go from crisis to crisis? Sound familiar? Are they just a bunch of idiots or is some country influencing them covertly creating these crises as they are doing in the US? It is becoming more and more apparent in just what is going on in Iraq as God is exposing it all just as He is doing in the U.S. The elitists organizing this New World Order needs Iraq as their puppet nation. Obey them and all is fine, disobey them and there will be repercussions. Read on and you will see what I mean by all this.

The news from Iraq this period is all about the recent “Fuel Swap” oil for gas between Iraq and Iran. Seems like a fair deal to me. However, a move like this could have major ramifications to our investment too. So, let’s take a serious look at it today and see if we can make any sense of it. Also, in line with this stubbornness of the US to actually help Iraq in dealing with these sanctions with Iran it is harming Iraq also which is a consequence that the US is willing to accept.


There are two side to every coin. On one side is that the US wants Iraq to move ahead much faster in many areas (we know how slow they can be… 😊) and when it does seem to want to help there is only more corruption involved in the process and money just seems to disappear. Thus, these energy projects never seem to go anywhere. They told us five years ago they had a five year plan to get the power grid off oil and to use it’s own natural gas as its energy source. The natural gas is endless and is just mostly burned off today. What a waste! So five years have passed and without doing these projects can you see how it created yet another layer of crisis for Iraq today.

So, the part about the US pressuring of Iraq is good, since they are slow. But the US must get serious about helping them.

So, here we go again. Yet another Iraqi crisis saga to follow. But we will see later on in reading this commentary today the real reason why the US would object to this “fuel swap”. Yes, it’s all about the Benjamins… 😊

Yesterday the temperature in Iraq was 110 F. Most air conditioner units are not working since what electricity they did have is shut off due to lack of fuel to burn in the generators. Iraq has oil. Why do they need to buy gas from Iran? Iraq does not have the refineries or the natural gas processing plants yet established.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced the agreement with Iran on a “fuel swap,” pointing to Iran’s resumption of gas supply to Iraq’s power plants. However, this move was done without the knowledge of the US Treasury. What will be the reaction of the US State Department?

Political analyst Hazem al-Bawi warned on Thursday of US moves and reaction after the oil-for-gas agreement between Baghdad and Tehran, ruling out America’s silence on the agreement that toppled the US dollar.


Al-Bawi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma that “Washington, which did not expect Iraq to take a step in this way and leave its currency (the dollar) aside and open up to Tehran with the agreement to exchange black oil for gas to operate power stations, it cannot be silent without starting to move its tools as it did with the government of Abdul Mahdi.”

He added, “The White House cannot tolerate any party that challenges it in this unprecedented manner, which represented a stronger blow than the one that Abdul-Mahdi dealt at him during the conclusion of the China and German Siemens agreements, which prompted America to move its arms to overthrow him. Facts have proven that America will use new tools and smooth movement lines to punish Iraq for a step taken by the government to ensure the operation of power plants at the height of the summer season.

I know what many of you are thinking. Could this event with the oil swap effect the RV?  

Yes, is has already effected and delayed the reinstatement. What will the US actually do beside stalling the Reinstatement is yet to be seen.

So, please, please don’t tell me politics does not effect and is effecting the RV.

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