Thursday, July 6, 2023


 Out of Country of Iraq FOREX:

For example only, today is July 3, 2023 and the CBI rate was 1000 IQD per 1 USD (which is 1:1 after they delete the zeros)
Now they delete the zeros, issue the lower notes and reinstate the dinar to FOREX.
The FOREX rate is 1 IQD per $3.86 USD.
Now we care. Get it?
My calculations now looks like this: 1.00 IQD = $3.86 USD per dinar.
Then multiply $3.86 x 25,000 = $96,500,00 USD.
Oh!!! surprise!, surprise,!
We do not drop our zeros.
We are out of country.
If you had a million dinar that comes to a gain of $3,860,000.00 minus what you initially paid for the currency.
That’s a hell of a lot better than $757.50.
I know you are asking yourself what is the value of a single dinar once they delete the zeros?
This is all you want to know?
Please go back to the examples above.
My point to giving these examples is to illustrate to you that the CBI may increase the current program rate of the dinar first away from the 1450 to 1320 then to ??? to get the final rate closer to a dollar, if this was the plan to have the final rate closer to $1.00 or over $1.00+.
The CBI will absolutely not have a rate of 1450, 1320 or ??? one day and then after completing the project to delete the zeros have the rate jump to $3.00 or more in country within Iraq.
It will not and can not happen this way due to the process of how the project to delete the zeros works.
So, to make such a high jump would cause massive inflation or deflation and would destroy the economy.
So if they just keep the rate exactly the same as it is today the economy can absorb the changeover much better.
As time goes on within Iraq they slowly raise their in country rate.
Meanwhile the CBI keeps monitoring for inflation and fighting the parallel market with measures to keep the dinar stable.
This is the most likely situation and the situation I am told will probably happen.

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