Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July fourth Coffee with MarkZ. 07/04/2023

July fourth Coffee with MarkZ. 07/04/2023

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Independence Day 

Member: "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."— Harry S. Truman

Member: The RV today for everyone would make a great Independence Day.

Member: Who knows what the day might bring! Might be exciting!

Member: I want some big booms and massive fireworks and not from sparkly things!

MZ:   Everyone I talked to is squarely expecting things to happen on the 5rh.  We will watch and see if anything happens in the morning 

MZ: If by any chance we get breaking news today I will let you all know. By Telegram, Truth and Twitter. 

MZ: Right now it is quiet on the bond side, group side and  dead silent from Reno. Many are busy with July 4th celebrations…..Would be a good time to squeeze in the RV. Nobody is expecting it today. 

Member: MarkZ IMO before they open the budget they must have a new rate!!!

Member:  Nader says Iraq on Forex?

MZ: Nader posted one  that was very interesting.  Be sure to go listen and like and share it. He said in conclusion the IQD is on the forex because it’s a tradable currency ….this was a good reminder …

MZ: Expectations are high…..another good solid report from Militiaman…..be sure to watch it. He says we are super close and Iraq is ready for the value change. 

Member:  Mark, any truth to the story circulating that the RV can’t or won’t happen until Mid August, when BRICS officially goes Gold Asset backed?

Member: Anything is possible..

Member: Edward of Ocala said treasury should announce gold backed USN today.

MZ: “Key BRICS meet this week to disccuss expansion”   They are a massive player in the world …This pushes them to well over half the GDP of the entire world. They are meeting this week in Durbin….

MZ: “41 countries ready to accept BRICS  currency a month before the summit”  They are busy right now laying out the framework of what countries have to do to join. 

Member: Is FedNow good or bad?

MZ: We don’t know…..it is a tool that can be used for either …It’s a delivery system. It could be used with the new QFS or the CBDC’s. 

Member:   Think FED NOW as a tool. As a tool it is neither good or bad; it is the intent of the person using the tool.

Member: As far as the FED Now goes, see who's pushing it and that will let you know which side its on.

Member: Simon Parkes said on his update, watch the 10th of July , and the 20th as well, we will wait and see RV family

Member:  Happy 4th of July! Hopefully this will be the month of moving forward to a new world without lies and corruption !

Member: Be safe tonight everyone …drink responsibly……God Bless us all 

Member: Markz , moderators, and fellow patriots, I pray that you all have a safe and happy Independence day. I also pray that all of our troubles are over soon.

Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.


Note From PDK: I will be traveling for the next week or so. I may or may not be able to transcribe Marks Podcasts or they may be later than usual….Be sure to listen to his daily calls for all of his intel and opinions……..Thank you 

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