Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 Global Currency Revaluation:

  • Mon. 24 July MarkZ: It was fairly quiet over the weekend. Finally got a message yesterday from a redemption contact that just said “working today” and nothing else.  Are they preparing for us or just doing stuff for wealth management?  I know in some locations they are setting things up after construction with cubicles…that I find interesting… I’m sure you guys have seen that all over the news, on facebook etc…that many banks are switching to more “wealth management” services.
  • Mon. 24 July Wolverine: Tony thinks we’re still on the verge of it happening tonight or tomorrow, but he’s hoping that it happens by the end of the month. One 3-letter agency is saying it’ll happen by the end of the week. There’s a big meeting about it today in New York, so we’ll see what happens. His Iraq contact said to not worry. There’s no bad news, we’re just waiting. It’s coming.
  • Charlie Ward: “As I told you years ago they are going to shut down the Worlds economy for a Global Currency Reset. The Cabal is now destroying the economy so they can usher in the New World Order with their Great Reset.”
  • Mon. 24 July TNT call: There’s still a lot of corruption in Iraq in the banks due to the politicians that are running them. Sudani doesn’t have the power to go after the politicians, but he can stop the banks from selling the dollar with the help of the US (14 were told to stop doing this). The people running the banks were added to the sanctioned list. There are 20 more banks under investigation and the results should come out soon. They thought it would be easier to get rid of the corruption, but it hasn’t been. They’re working on stabilizing the dinar and getting people to use the new system for exchanging currency (not doing it on the street). The RV won’t happen until they release the instructions for the budget (how and where the money is supposed to be spent), which they have not done yet. We don’t know why (maybe due to the continued corruption?). So we are waiting.
  • On Sun. 23 July all financial changes completed.
  • Texas Snake Sun. 23 July: Banker advised to have all trained staff in currency exchange process to be on immediate call beginning Mon. 24 July.
  • Goldilocks Sun. 23 July: The Stock Market is getting ready to go into correction after FOMC meeting  this week.
  • On Thurs. 27 July Basel 3 Compliance will be implemented in the banks. This was expected to create shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as they move into a real value.
  • Thurs. 27 July was also said to be “Restart of Planet Earth with implementation of Basel 3 compliance and activation of NESARA/GESARA: INTEL – July 27th ‘Restart of Planet Earth’ & The GESARA / NESARA Announcement – Schedule of Events (rumormillnews.com)
  • The last week of July US citizens were expected to receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus SS payments would increase.
  • On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.
  • Thurs. 20 July Bruce: The funds that are moving for us…are in place at the banks. They did disseminate the funds from Treasury to have them available for us to go in for exchanges…our understanding is that everything, as far as we know is ready… rates are going up. We did get an update…and the rates are the least of your worries. Don’t worry about it. They’re gonna be fine. .


  • On Tues. 18 July monies began flowing out of Zurich; the Iraqi Budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was released to the Iraqi Provinces and funds were positioned for distribution; Paymasters were given liquidity and Whales were beginning to be paid. As of Sat. 22 July some Whales had been paid, some had not, all could see monies in their accounts and all were under NDAs.
  • On Wed. 19 July the Iraqi budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was implemented in all Iraqi Institutions. Paymasters were authorized to send emails out to Bond Holders telling them that they had access to their funds (on an unknown date).
  • On Thurs. 20 July the Global Quantum Financial System officially launched the ‘FedNow Instant Payment System,’ while therefore Tier 4b(Us, the Internet Group) could expect notification at any time. TNT Tony said that multiple sources reported that disbursements were completed and everything was now done

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