Sunday, July 23, 2023

"Elon Musk’s “Project Omega” (Eric Fry) Picks – 3 Stocks for Explosive Gains" BY GREEN BULL RESEARCH, 23 JULY

 Elon Musk is nothing if not a prolific multi-tasker and a few years ago he and a couple of his closest billionaire pals launched what Eric Fry is calling “Project Omega.”

Eric believes the technology behind this project could create an estimated $15.7 trillion in new wealth and mint a new wave of millionaires, billionaires, and even the world’s first trillionaire.

The Teaser

These billionaires have been silently working on this project for the past seven years and on November 30, 2022, they flipped the switch on.

Eric Fry has spent the last 30 years working in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street as a broker, entrepreneur, analyst, and hedge fund manager – he must be a multi-tasker like Elon. We have previously exposed his stock picks here on Green Bull and also reviewed some of his teasers, like his “iFuel” Hydrogen Stocks.

Based on the bit of info Eric has shared so far, I think I know where this is going…

Back in 2015, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Sam Altman – the billionaire pals used $1 billion of their own money to create OpenAI.

Originally a nonprofit startup focused on researching and developing artificial intelligence, it struck gold with its first chatbot – ChatGPT.

Once they realized what they had created, a for-profit subsidiary was quietly incorporated and ChatGPT was launched to the world in November 2022.

AI’s Netscape Moment

Before Google or any web browser for that matter, the internet was a place frequented only by hardcore tech geeks who knew how to navigate a complex digital maze.

Netscape changed all of this.

As the first web browser, it enabled anyone to easily view and navigate the internet, which exploded adoption.

As the first AI-enabled consumer chatbot, ChatGPT is now doing something similar with artificial intelligence.

It is making AI easily accessible to everyone, which will likely make its rate of adoption look like the internet in 1995.

The only difference is that it will all happen much faster, as ChatGPT has already been adopted 42 times faster than the internet!

We could be catching a revolutionary technology just as it goes mainstream and Eric has identified 3 companies that he believes will be the biggest winners of this AI revolution.

The Pitch

All of their details including their names and ticker symbols are inside a special report called The Top 3 Stocks for the AI Revolution.

The only way to access it is with a subscription to Fry’s Investment Report for $49, which is 75% off the regular price of $199. For this, we’ll receive 12 monthly issues, which include at least one investment recommendation per issue, three more bonus reports, access to an online archive, and a members-only website.

Warp-Speed Growth

More than just a shiny new technology, AI will fundamentally transform society and it will do so in record time.

Elon Musk believes so himself:

The way I see it, mechanization took us from an agrarian economy to an industrial one starting at the end of the 18th century.

Following this, the invention of telecommunications, electronics, and eventually the internet enabled light automation.

Now, artificial intelligence will give rise to heavy automation.

What does this mean for society at large and for us as individual investors?

In the first instance, artificial intelligence (“Project Omega”) will cause large-scale disruption. 

We are already starting to see this among the corporate rank and file in the first half of the year, with some 3,900 jobs lost to heavy automation. So far, the damage has been limited to the tech sector. But other industries that are slower to adopt new technology will eventually follow suit. We are still a few years away from this happening.

As far as what it means for investors, large-scale disruption = opportunity.

Digital Gold Rush

Make no mistake…

We’re about to see a huge wealth transfer from those who are clueless about AI or dismiss it outright to those who understand it and make it work for them.

Wired Magazine has called it an “AI Gold Rush” and we are at the onset of it, like some doe-eyed miners with pickaxes during the Klondike gold rush.

In fact, this is already happening. AI pure-plays like Intuitive Surgical (Nasdaq: ISRG)

Innodata (Nasdaq: INOD)

And (NYSE: BBAI) are all up big since the start of the year

These stocks have already given shareholders the chance to make two, three, and even eight times their money.

Now, Eric has 3 stock recommendations that could do as well or even better in the months ahead. Let’s find out what these are together.

Revealing Eric Fry’s “Project Omega” Picks

We are given precious few clues about each of the three stock picks. See for yourself:

AI Company #1

  • This company recently started using AI to predict the onset of diseases.

AI Company #2

  • It is building the infrastructure that AI is built on. Investing in it could be like “investing in steel during the construction of railroads.”

AI Company #3

  • Eric believes this last company will help take AI robots mainstream.

That’s it, that’s all we get folks. Eric does throw in one chart near the end of his presentation which shows how the three stocks have fared against the S&P 500 up until the end of March. This ended up being our saving grace.


If we work back from this standpoint and try and match up each pick to its stock performance through the first quarter of the year, we end up with the following:

  • AI Company #1 (Black Line): Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG). The bit about using AI to predict the onset of diseases is likely a nod to Google Health, which is an early AI adopter.
  • AI Company #2 (Green Line): The infrastructure of AI pick is Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC)
  • AI Company #3 (Blue Line): Finally, the company that is supposed to make AI robots mainstream is Amazon Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN).

The chart of these stocks aligns perfectly with that of Eric’s above:

The Biggest Winners of the AI Revolution?

Historically, the winners of the last revolution have always been the victims of the next.

Could this change this time around?

It’s a possibility due to the sheer size and amount of data (the foundation of AI), the likes of Google, Amazon, and Intel now hoard like a troll under a bridge hoards gold. But I wouldn’t bet on it.

Take ChatGPT for example, the first AI-based chatbot came from a startup (OpenAI), rather than one of the big established names.

I expect the next big advances in AI like iDar technology for self-driving cars and chatbots for customer service and e-commerce to come from venture-backed startups rather than any large incumbent. The biggest winners of the AI revolution are still yet to be determined.


Quick Recap & Conclusion

  • Silicon Valley hanger-on Eric Fry says the technology behind “Project Omega” could create an estimated $15.7 trillion in new wealth and mint a new wave of millionaires, billionaires, and even the world’s first trillionaire.
  • We later learn that the technology behind what Eric calls “Project Omega” is actually Artificial Intelligence (AI) and he’s identified 3 companies that he says will be the biggest winners of the AI revolution.
  • These 3 picks are revealed in a special report called The Top 3 Stocks for the AI Revolution. The only way to access it is with a subscription to Fry’s Investment Report for $49.
  • Eric was uber stingy with his clues, but thanks to a well-placed chart we were able to reveal all of his picks for free. They are Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG), Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC), and Amazon Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN).
  • Not very inspiring picks and most likely, not the biggest winners of the AI revolution either.
  • What AI companies do you think blow Eric’s picks out of the water? Tell us your favorite in the comment section.

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