Friday, July 7, 2023


 Mountain Goat

…the CBI told me they were moving along and we should expect the rate in the US. But last Saturday I did finally get in contact with my CBI representative and I was told that the Oil and Gas law did impact the ability for the Central Bank to move ahead…the RV or Reinstatement has NOT occurred I can assure you with 1000% certainty. We still wait. Will the passing of the Oil and Gas law make any difference. To me it should since I also know it is a constitutional requirement and I was told a decade ago there will be no Reinstatement unless the Iraqi constitution is fully implemented and this law is such a critical law…

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

The hydrocarbon law/oil and gas law….is going to be based off what their exchange rate is and the value of oil…It will be put for a vote during the current parliamentary session…my assumption here is once they apply an international exchange rate they’ll have the valuations they need to be able to complete the process…I think they have the support from around the world to be able to do that…



[via PDK]

It’s still crazy quiet. I have been reassured that this is not a negative thing. Things appear to moving behind the scenes. But, they are clamping down on any leaks. This is a good thing. I believe this silence is a good thing right now…it appears we are very close due to the efforts they are using to keep things quiet. Most are under some type of NDA… I continue to hear our “window” is wide open now and they expect something within 10 days of the first of this month. We are now 6 days in.

My redemption contacts are all geared up and ready. They firmly believe they will be working hard at any moment. They think they may be working the next couple of weekends. We will see.

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