Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Nader From The Mid East

[Response to Guru Pimpy’s 7-11-2023 post below]

[Guru] Pimpy saying Iraq still under restrictions of the United States…Let me tell you something.  Pimpy is right.  Iraq is still under the command of United States…Maybe 50% free but not 100% free…Iraq is going to be under the punishment of United States for a while.  Iraq is working hard to gain the trust of the United States government…

Anything Iraq does it’s for the okay of United States.  If United States says no, nothing will happen.  So [Guru] Pimpy is right, still a lot of punishment still there…You never heard United States declared sovereignty to Iraq.  That never happened yet.  When that happen everything else will change…It’s not going to take long to get out of there because they’re working hard to show them we’re capable of control our own country…


[via PDK]

Member comment: [Guru] Nader says the RV will never happen until the US gives Iraq sovereignty?

MarkZ: That is exactly why we see Iraq behaving the way it is behaving. Nader says Iraq is still under the command of the US.  Iraq is paying off its debts…that is why they filed with the WTO for ascension…It is bringing its banking up to snuff… Iraq is doing everything it needs to do to support a higher currency rate. They are doing everything it needs to do to remove the US influence. They want the US completely out of there.   I believe they have made tremendous progress.

…I believe they are close to being able to pull the trigger and go their own way without the US… I believe they are closer than they are telling us…and they are using smoke to cloud the timing.

Articles out today of deals being made in Iraq.  Like the 27 Billion Total gas deal…. Businesses don’t invest billions of dollars without being sure of a ROI. If all of these companies are investing – they are pretty dang sure of the outcome.  They are pretty sure they will make a good return on their money.
                        They cannot do that unless Iraq makes a move with currency and stability. Some of the biggest companies are banking on the fact that Iraq is going soon and quickly.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

the oil and gas law we understand is finally done and passed and should be announced tomorrow [Wednesday], and…into the Gazette…tomorrow, Wednesday…Now if it comes out, it’s supposed to come out with…The new Iraqi dinar rate – this would be an in country rate for the country of Iraq – and it may have international implications as well…it won’t be the same rate…I roughly know what those rates are but…I’m not really supposed to put that out…but…

...they’re very high and very favorable especially for us that are in this country…our notifications should come out as early as, sometime tomorrow [Wednesday] afternoon.  And if not tomorrow afternoon/evening…They would come out Thursday morning…this is looking very good from many different sources. It’s lining up very nicely. I do not have anything that goes beyond Thursday

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Article quote:
Al-Sudani received the head of the French company at total energies after assigning a deal with a deal worth 27 billion dinars…

I don’t know if that’s a mistake but that’s what it says…$27 billion dinars.  You go down a little bit…

Article Quote:
French Giant total energy signed an energy agreement worth 27 billion dollars

So there you have it.  Two ways in the article. Why would they do that?  I don’t know but they did it.  You have to ask yourself are they broadcasting something…?  Is it a 1 to 1 ratio?  Don’t know but that’s what this article says.  

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