Friday, July 21, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 07/21/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Friday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Friday Morning patriots 

Member: Can’t believe we are at another broke weekend…..

Member: I think it might be a good day for an RV. what do y'all think?

Member: I’m ready for all of us having  Christmas in July this year!! 

Member: Today is Iraq’s “New Year” a national holiday

Member: Dang it feels like Iraq spends more time “ on holiday” then they do real life

MZ: And here is MilitiaMan popping in-Welcome. I’m hoping you have phenomenal news. 

MM: I have to say we are at that stage of the roller coaster ride we have been on for so many years is coming to an end. This morning we see the Kurds have hammered out the 5 days of meetings and have agreed to do some auditing on not just the oil production , but also the non- oil like taxes and tariffs at the borders…so that looks like they are ready to come to the table and play nice and share some of those revenue streams. .They have not done that in 20 years….now they are ready to be audited. 

MM:   There are other things we are hoping to see in the next short period of time. Today is a holy day and a holiday….and we know sometimes they work on holidays behind the scenes. 

MM: I am looking to see the 2023, 24, 25 budget allocations  are being talked about…they need to start spending money on projects. We will hopefully see things come to fruition in a short period of time.  We are in a fascinating time frame. 

MZ: We have seen Iraq making infrastructure deals with China …and paying oil for it. They are avoiding the US dollar. 

MM: It is not surprising to see them circumvent the US dollar. The new system…the Iso 202022 is one they are going to use throughout the region. Personally I don’t see the dollar going away 100% any time soon….but, I don’t think the BRICS are going to Accept Iraqi dinar  at a rate of 1300. 

MZ: They are going to want the dinar to have a real value. 

MM: everyone and their brother are chomping at the bit to have a previous era exchange rate that’s internationally accepted to do business with in the region….everyone is coming to Iraq. These are exciting times and I am feeling very upbeat.

MZ: Yes- super exciting times. Do you have a gut feeling on timing at this point? All the signs look great. 

MM: I wish I had a crystal ball and could predict that date….everyone would be jumping for joy if I could. But I can’t. However, if we look at all the system being connected and if we believe this is a global initiative and Iraq is the lynchpin….we can see things happened on Thursday that created an environment through the Fednow system ( we all have opinion on if this is part of the QFS system or not) but different systems around the world are going to have to be able to communicate. 

MM: My impression was the US was the last to go. If that is the case- maybe we will see this roll out begin with systems paying instantaneously…..within 4-5 seconds when all is said and done. 

Member: I have a source that works at one of the major banks and have been flying here and there doing transactions …and they said during the day transactions have been taking 1 second or less to clear. 

MM: I saw stuff on that yesterday and its fascinating. And they are using XRP as a protocol to connect….they have started this and it’s not going to stop. 

Member: XRP was accepted for payment use in Iraq Jim Willie said Iraq will be the center of the financial system in the east

Member: The meeting between Iraqi officials and XRP on July 4th mentioned by Militiaman the other day was big

MZ: I am trying to make myself stay calm during this process. 

MM: We need to watch as they roll this out. They (Iraq) need to expose some things to us and this exposure could happen as early as tomorrow or Sunday or Monday. They have work to do and contracts to deal with. People need to get paid so they are going to have to show their cards. Basically that is where they are at I believe the short term looks better than the long term right now. 

MM: I have heard people say this roll out could take up to 10 days to 30 days for everything to be completed. This could include all the countries and does not mean we have to wait that long. The rate cannot stay at 1300. 

MZ: They have bills to pay so it’s the proverbial s*** or get off the pot moment. 

Member: Do you know of any key steps still remaining for them to do for Iraq to release its revalued rate?

MM:  I would say that what we witnessed this morning with the Kurds now being on board…along with taxes and tarrifs at the borders being another income stream……and JP Morgan getting the BUNA platform to clear currencies digitally throughout the region is done. The ISO system is already hooked up with the XRP compnant..…FedNow is ready…the QFS is ready. Looks like everything is ready. So if transactions can clear within seconds now….so (he shrugs with hands up?) 

MZ: Yes we are seeing all these different systems in different countries and they are all about integrating with the QFS- imo and legacy banking (old banking system?)  so thes nearly instantaneous transfer system all needed to be in place before they pulled the trigger. 

MM: And I think we are seeing the evidence of that. And so whenever the timing is the least shocl t the system is when we think we are going to see that

Member: We were always told every Saturday night all the banks in the world close for a brief time…..imo that could be the time they pull that trigger. 

Member: Is Fednow only for the US?

MZ: Every country has its own version of an instant transfer system now. A hodge podge to make all the legacy systems work. 

MM: And all these systems are able talk with themselves all around the world. 

MZ: Fednow is NOT a CBDC. It is simply a cross border transfer or payment system. It can be used for good or bad. I was told we do not need to fear FedNow unless we see the federal reserve roll out the CBDC- then it will become something to be concerned about. 

MM: I think the goal is to be safe, secure and fast. Everyone have a great afternoon .

Member: Thanks MM for all your work and info.

Member: My understanding is qfs is the system and fed now is the process to transfer

Member: they need to take the Fed out of FedNow for anyone to trust it

Member: I think they're going to be switching us to gold-backed currency soon 

Member:  Nader said the Iraqi banks told the cbi to raise the rate of the dinar 

Member: they are in the World Trade Organization , that's huge!!

Member: I hear Protocol 20 implementation and testing has begun. This testing phase will be completed on 22 August.

MZ: Most of my contacts have just gone dark….we keep hearing rumors that some people are getting paid but I cannot find a single person that have dollars. I cannot find a liquid whale anywhere….and I have searched.

Member: If it’s a shotgun start…. they go when we go……

MZ: I still think things are exceptionally positive . Just buckle up and stay ready. Start getting your ducks in a row with preparations. 

Member: Pedal to the metal- hammer down and move this RV now

Member:  Pray for the RV to happen, asap for Iraq who was treated so bad by the U.S. as well as many countries around the world and the American people. God bless.

Member: see you all tonight. 

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Gurus also join the stream today towards the end. Please listen to the replay for all of their information and opinions. 

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