Thursday, July 6, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 07/06/2023

Note From PDK: I will be traveling for the next week or so. I may or may not be able to transcribe Marks Podcasts or they may be later than usual….Be sure to listen to his daily calls for all of his intel and opinions……..Thank you 

Thursday Morning News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good morning everyone…RV there yet???

Member:  Happy Thursday. it would be nice to get some great news

Member:  Charlie always said it will happen on a Thursday!

Member:  My thoughts are: This thing is going to happen when we Least expect it! Not a 3 day weekend, not a Thursday, but one day we will wake up and it will all be ready to go...IMO

MZ: It’s still crazy quiet. I have been reassured that this is not a negative thing. Things appear to moving behind the scenes. But, they are clamping down on any leaks. This is a good thing. I believe this silence is a good thing right now. But we have no indications on timing. 

MZ: it appears we are very close due to the efforts they are using to keep things quiet. Mosst are under some type of NDA.  


Member:  It’s always quite before the BOOM 

Member: Silence is golden

MZ: I continue to hear our “window” is wide open now and they expect something within 10 days of the first of this month. We are now 6 days in . 

Member: Tomorrow's date is 7.7.7 that would be a perfect date

MZ: My redemption contacts are all geared up and ready. They firmly believe they will be working hard at any moment. They think they may be working the next couple of weekends. We will see. 

MZ: Its best not to ride the roller coaster and know it will happen when it happens. 

Member: So it seems we are back to waiting for some finalities on the HCL as well as the signing of the Securities Law to diminish the affects of the illegal street rates in Iraq

Member: Mtn Goat’s post this morning citing a CBI source saying the RV can’t happen until the HCL is passed?  I thought HCL passed a while back

Member: Maybe a possibility that Iraq is now waiting for the world to go at the same time?

Member: Parliament due back the 13th…. hcl approved then?

Member:  Iraq has announced that they have a number of things to do before they can RV. Take this with a grain of salt, maybe true and maybe not.

Member:  Frank told us what the holdup is last night

Member: I believe Iraq is just doing clean up before rate is placed in budget.


 Member:  Al Sudani fires 50 company's selling USD. Fires senior financial executive for corruption. This was driving the USD up over IQD. This will cause the IQD to gain over USD. All good moving ahead.

Member: I read Dinar Caps dated 7/3, claiming that the IQD RV is not feasible due to the current GDP of Iraq. Is that a true statement?

MZ: Go back and listen to Shabibi’s link….

Dr Shabibi answering questions

Member:  Time to crash! Market down big!

Member: Dow slides 400 points after strong jobs data prompts fear of more Fed tightening ahead: Live updates

Member: Anything on Brazil maybe announcing Nesara?

MZ: There is a video,…..they are openly talking about it .. someone shared a youtube link on it from Brazil of it being discussed in the open. But it has not been announced yet –I am told .Someone with with great contacts in Brazil says it is openly being discussed. It is ridiculed in the US….but the rest of the world discusses it openly and seriously. 


Member: I didn't learn true patience until I had children but this is a whole other level of patience.

Member: Mark, many thanks as always for all you bring to this community.

Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.

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